Tuesday Afternoon

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   Troy paced back in forth in his cell. How did the blood get on my shirt? They tested the blood DNA, it was Marco's. But how? All he could remember from last night was falling asleep, and then waking up with blood on his clothes. What happened between those two moments? Did he sleepwalk again? Maybe, he thought. Maybe he murdered Marco while sleepwalking! Suddenly, the detective, a little older than him, entered. He turned towards the cell, "Did Marco kill himself? Or did you kill him? That truly is the question.". The junior cop opened the cell and pulled him into the interrogation room. Troy turned towards the man, "No! I did not kill Marco. Even though the arrows all seem to point at me. And due to my sleepwalking, but why would I kill my best friend? Also, Marco would never kill himself, though it sadly seems like a more realistic answer.". Eden nodded and scribbled down some notes, "What is your alibi?". Troy gulped, "All I can remember is falling asleep and waking up with Marco's blood on my clothes.".

  Eden turned on the screen in the room to show security footage of the neighborhood. Eden turned the footage to this morning, "It seems like you did more than that.". The footage showed sleeping Troy walking out of his house and stepping onto the Shedd's lawn. He opened the door with such ease and walked inside the Shedd's house. The door shut behind him. Oh no, Troy whispered. Eden paused the tape, "I'm sorry to say Mr. Larson, but with all of the evidence...Tell me why I don't put you in jail right now?". Troy held his face with his hands, "I swear I didn't do it. Test my blood, do anything, but don't send me to jail. I'm innocent!". 

  Eden rewinded the footage, "See, if you look at the footage again, and slow it down. The door you opened wasn't locked, so if you are innocent...that means that someone set you up. But why? Is there anyone you think did it?". Troy ran his hand through his coffee-colored hair, "Betty and Lou seem too innocent. Plus Mr. Fret thinks he is the neighborhood watch.". Eden turned the screen off, "What is your relationship with Venus?". Troy sat down in the chair, "I thought Venus was pretty when Marco introduced her to me. She is a good friend, but now I think I want a future with Betty. If she didn't kill Marco.". Eden dismissed him and put his coat on. He headed outside and lifted his pipe to his mouth. He may not be Holmes, but he could come close. Now he only needed to wait until nightfall.

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