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Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead. Everyone's faces were dead, expressionless. The mourners were dead inside. Marco was dead. 

Today was the reading of the will, the state court judge opened the file and read out the letter, "The money goes to Troy Larson, the house goes to Venus Shedd, the winter house goes to Venus Shedd, and his Lawyer company, Shedd's Law, goes to Louise Barone.". The mourners stood shocked; Lou looked overwhelmed and embraced her mother, Mr. Fret looked offended, Venus's eyes were filled with tears, though it was hard to tell if they were of joy or sadness. She backed up and ran out of her own home. Troy shifted in his handcuffs, expressionless. The detective observed the dumbstruck scene. Pierce took a picture of the will, grabbed Troy and headed to his car. While being pushed into the back of the car, Troy watched the chaos explode in the living room. His friends were barbarically fighting over the results of the will, something terrible was coming, and no one could stop it. 

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