Six Years Ago

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  The setting was perfect, filled with a candlelit background, people talking softly, and love. Yet, he was alone. Well, somewhat, his friend from college would arrive soon, along with his new and shiny girlfriend. But he was alone in a romantic way. His girlfriend who he had also met in college, had decided to end things, for the best. She was heading to another college, in Austin, to get a degree in pharmacy. He was staying here, in Florida, to be a local author. Troy loved writing in college. He got to be the narrator, write any story he wanted! You chose your character's fate, you chose for them, not the other way around. It was like he was playing God, and it felt good. The hum of the chatter, made him feel calm, at peace. He twirled a knife at his table between his fingers. The could-be weapon was cold yet, refreshing to the touch.
The clatter of the bells rang from the front door. The restaurant ran cold from the frost, as two shadows walked inside. As they walked into the light, he could see them now. It was his friend and his gorgeous girlfriend who had entered Barney's restaurant. He immediately greeted them, "Marco! I missed you!". They hugged and he faced the girl, "Is this the Venus? The one you had been talking about since last fall?". Venus grinned as Marco nodded. The threesome was seated and talked about college. Venus recently had gotten a job as a psychologist and was thrilled. She was beautiful, but he was still stuck on his ex. Troy wouldn't be able to live with the thought of Marco being upset with him. It would kill him inside. At first, Troy was worried that he would be the awkward third-wheel, but no. The friends were having too much fun for it to be awkward. Though, whenever it came close, Marco would drive it away by telling a hilarious story about college. When it was almost time to leave, due to it being so late, Venus left to go to the restroom. Marco turned to Troy and whispered, "I think tomorrow I'm going to ask Venus to marry me. If she says yes, would you want to be my best man?". Troy grinned ear to ear, "Obviously man. I'm sure she will say yes. She loves you!". Marco blushed, but then it disappeared, turning to a serious look, "Hey. I know you still aren't ok with you and Betty's break up, but you have to move on. Everyone in town is tired of you moping around like a Ross.". 

  Troy sat up, "Betty did say she might move back here after she got her degree. We could get back together!". Marco clicked his tongue, "The good ones never listen do they?". Then the friends broke out into laughter, just as Venus returned to the table. Marco paid the check, even though Troy and Venus both insisted. The friends gathered up their coats and prepared to travel into the chilly night. The friends embraced for the last time that night, before leaving. They separated ways, and would not meet again until Venus said yes to Marco. Then, the next day they would have lunch with a few other friends to celebrate. Unfortunately, Betty didn't return after she got her second degree. She had met Floyd Scott, a man interested in becoming a pharmacist as well. He was brilliant and ambitious. They got married there and had Louise a few years after that. But, Floyd felt insecure about becoming a father, it wasn't fitting to him. He didn't want to start his career as a father and husband, he wanted to venture out, learn the ropes a little, before settling down. He sat down with Betty and told her that he didn't want to settle down, he could see so much ahead of him, becoming a father was an obstacle in his way. Poor Betty, she thought she could change him, but he was gone before morning. She never was the same after that, a sweet girl, was now damaged and heartbroken. She left her job and moved back to Hikford, Florida.

Back into Troy's life. 

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