Tuesday night part 3

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  She had gorgeous tan skin, with green eyes. Her beachy-brown hair bounced while she strutted into the room. She looked at the room as if she owned the place. The woman sat in the chair, crossing her legs. The jr. cop held the tissues, ready to dispute if necessary. The cop stood behind the man wearing the trench coat. The cop was lean with blond-beachy hair. The man in the trench coat, Pierce, was mysteriously gorgeous with slick-black hair and stubble. The cop, in his 20's, asked probably for the first time in his life, "What did you do before the day of the crime?". Venus breathed heavily, "It was a typical day, ya know? Later in the afternoon, I taught piano lessons to Lou.". The duo facing her consulted each other inaudibly. The detective returned to her, asking, "Did the neighbors appear different, as well as your husband?".

  Venus remained still, "Betty, Troy, and Mr. Fret were pestering but seemed fine. Lou was irritated with me for being "hard" on her with lessons. My Marco was cooking dinner for the next day, seemingly whole.", she stopped to rub her wedding ring, "Then, the next day, I woke to see him dead! Next, Mr. Fret had to upset me further by asking who I thought committed the crime. How unthoughtful!". The detective stared at his notes, "We heard Mr. Fret say you never got to finish your sentence about who did the deed. Is there anything you would like to say?". The lady shallowed, "I was going to tell him the get the hell off my property! But sadly, we can't all get what we want. Troy interrupted me by screaming about finding my husband's blood of his shirt.". The junior cop couldn't hold in his question anymore, "If you were so convinced that it was murder, who do you believe did it?". Venus placed her hand over her knee to stop it from bouncing. 

"I'd like not to say, due to my love for my neighbors, but I must speak my mind. I honestly have no clue, however, I can give you some ideas. Betty and Lou seem like lambs, yet even a wolf can wear sheep's clothing. Mr. Fret did something he shouldn't have a while ago, but that is...". 

  The prosecutor interrupted her, "What did he do? It might affect the case.". Venus leaned forward, "Everyone was having dinner a while ago, it was so nice. Mr. Fret is old. What he did was a mistake, I assure you. He had to take his medication so he put it in his food, and started serving the meals. Only he didn't realize he gave Troy the medication instead. Troy only noticed it after the pills had gone down his throat. It ruined everything! Troy began to sleepwalk, never forgiving Mr. Fret. That one incident caused a ripple in the neighborhood. A series of distrust formed, and layers of chaos. That's why, Mr. Pierce, and your friend..". The cop answered that his name was Kit, causing her to continue, "I don't know who killed my husband. I'm even starting to believe that he killed himself!". 

  Wrinkles of sorrow embraced her face. She wept as she carried herself out of the room and into the darkness of the night. Kit began to go after her, before being stopped by Eden. "Let her go. We have a murder to solve.". 

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