Present Time (Thursday)

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Detective Eden Pierce paced back and forth in his office. Gathering clues was easy, but putting it all together, that was the hard part. He pulled up a timeline from the day before the crime to the day it happened, while attaching his notes to the timeline. Eden went over everything over and over again. At times when he believed that he got it right, he would find an error and start again. At around 1:00 pm, he had it right, sure one person killed this man, but everyone accidentally lead to it. At 1:20, when he was about to head over to arrest the person who did the deed, he got a call from Kit, the kid seemed like he had been running in a marathon, "I know you probably figured it out, but I have news...They found a bloody knife in Mr. Fret's couch. The blood matches with Marco's blood.". Kit hung up. The detective sat down in his chair and angrily picked up his pipe, glowering at it. His detective grandfather had this azure pipe. Eden was given this pipe in his will, with hope. Now, he hated the sight of it. He raised the pipe and crashed it down onto the floor. It broke into many pieces, he had accomplished every mystery so far, except for this one. He had thought he knew the killer, but now he was lost.

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