52 | Male Bravado (THE END)

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 Please read this chapter and vote for it, it's the last one and the end is super cute :)))

EDIT: this isn't the last part of the book, character aesthetics are in the chapter after this one and then there's a bonus chapter :)

52 | Male bravado

3 months later


As I perch on the edge of my bed, gazing into the mirror infront of me as I brush through my knotted hair, I reflect on the fact that a while ago, I honestly didn't think I'd make it to 17. The stress of the last few months...it makes me wince to remember how close it was to just completely finishing me. So, so close.

I run my fingers absent-mindedly through my curly hair, frizzy from the brushing, and contemplate getting a hair-cut. Not chopping off all of it- maybe just a little below my shoulders. Almost like cutting away the second- less sweet- half of my sixteenth year. A fresh new start. I like the sound of that- a fresh new start. And maybe I'll die it too- go darker. A whole new look for my final year of secondary school before college.

I can be anyone I want this year- I can be cool Evvie. The one who is bold and laughs and enjoys life. I could also always revert back to shy, fragile, unstable Evvie from last year...no, cool Evvie sounds way more appealing. This year, I can be who I've wanted to be for so long, but never had the confidence to become.

Sweet sixteen, they call your sixteenth birthday. I almost laugh at that. Honestly, if I could erase the past year from my life, I would. But then I wouldn't have met the boys. Met Jace, Portia. Met Julian.

I suddenly remember Julian, and delve into the pocket of the dressing-gown I'm wearing, fumbling for my phone. I unlock it, eagerly going to our text messages, excited for the 'happy birthday' message I'm sure I've received from him.

There isn't one. I blink at the screen for a few moments, then refresh. Then restart my phone incase my connection is slow. Still no new messages. I glance up at my clock- 7:30 in the am. He may not even be awake yet. I tell myself he's probably still asleep- he'll text me when he wakes up. He wouldn't forget. Julian wouldn't forget.

Danny, seemingly in contrast with Julian, is awake, and it seems has been since midnight because my phone is spammed with messages, GIfs and videos sent from my best friend. Honestly, Dan seems even more hyper than me about my birthday, and I immediately forget to be disappointed about Julian as I scroll through all I've recieved from him:



yes i got my love, my life, my soul from a shakespeare play, no need to snub me on my lack of originality


(GIF enclosed of a puppy bounding through a meadow of long grass with hearts in it's eyes, barking HAPPY BIRTHDAY in bubble writing)

(GIF enclosed of Mariah Carey choking on a sandwich)

(GIF enclosed of Boris Johnson tripping over a Tescos bag in the street)

(TIK TOK VIDEO enclosed of 30 Most Satisfying Things You Will Ever See In Your Life)

I laugh as I quickly call my friend. He picks up within three seconds, immediately gushing in my ear.

"Evvie! Evvieevvieevvieevvieeee happy birthday my dude!"

"Danny, sit the hell down, sister! I was actually born at two in the afternoon, so we still have like seven hours left to wait."

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