Welcome To Hell Park!

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Hell Park is an AU where almost all the blonde children(Not including Kenny and Butters) are Demons(Imps actually) summoned because Craig and everyone used a ouija board and didn't end the game properly. 

Before you ask, Kristen is human.

If your oc is human


Let's start this off when Tweek starts the school day. Kristen was behind Craig, and was about to tell a teacher when she gets stopped by (OC). (OC) points to the messages, which were to Token. "Something's up with him." (OC) says. "Let's wait a bit, okay?" 

Hours after school and you and Kristen are hanging out with Stan's group when a knock 


It's dark out and everyone was running from Gregory, who had black gooping arms grabbing and reaching for the panicking teens. Kristen was SHRIEKING and sobbing as she nearly trips on several occasions, heading to the bridge. (OC) is running next to (Crush)

If your oc is an imp 


Hearing that most of (OC)'s friends(Pip, Gregory, Estella, and Thomas) talk about going to the living world, (OC) and Tweek decide to go with them since some group was playing with a ouija board. (OC) chooses to go and mess around when (Crush) asks a question to the board. When everyone left, (OC) and Tweek decide to both go to the school the next day. 


(OC) had died when they were little, and came back to South Park mainly just to see (Crush) again. So, (OC) was walking behind the other demons, who were chasing everyone to the bridge. (OC) heard Pip call to Estella, who was hiding in Clyde's brain(?). She came out, mind controlling Token, Craig, and Clyde. Kristen, Stan, Kenny, Kyle, and Eric were tied up by hands that were coming out of Gregory. ((Please tell me who (OC)'s crush is, and if they're not here, I'll add them. These are just the current characters here))

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