Demons? Angels? Huh???

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Ah yes, this was an old idea I had and put in here. Anywho, on to an explanation and soon a couple scenarios 


Yes, Jews do believe in Heaven and Hell. The birther of demons that is Lilith, came from Jewish faith. Also, Judaism is the father religion for Christianity(child religion) and Catholicism(baby religion). Now, don't attack me for not being fair to Kyle. I did my research and now don't shoot me because "tHaTs NoT wHaT jEwS bElIeVe!!!1" 



Demons are sinners who have died. Whether it's been from very very active and kinky sex, stealing, doing or dealing drugs, or freaking murder and suicide, you'll probably end up as a demon if you're not consistent with confessing. 


- Demons have a true form, which is what they look like before entering hell to gain their demonic abilities. A demon must be either very safe or feeling very intense emotions to show their true form. 

- A demon can alter their form to blend in with living mortals, as well as hide their horns/wings/tails. 

- Most(specifically weak demons) can't touch holy/pure things or else their horns break. This includes, but not limited to: bibles, virgins(only incubi can), rosaries, crosses, and prayer books. Stronger demons can sustain for long periods of time in churches, but no longer than a couple hours. They can touch angels however, but new demons will instantly start getting burned every time they even are in arm's length of an angel. 

- Some demons(incubi especially) can sense an individual's sensitive areas, specifically for sex.

- Only strong demons can possess, and the host(the possessed) can fight back at any time if need be. That's why they have to be strong, to fight back against the will of the host. 

- Demons usually create an aura of hate or dread to not be noticed or not get attached. Sometimes it's right in the face feeling. 


Angels are those who died under normal or even unexpected conditions, but don't harbour any ill will. Usually, the angels come as guardians to those close to them. 


- Angels can hide their wings and halos. Some angels are actually scary looking to some humans (Hey, I'm catholic and every time I read the damn bible an angel always says "Don't be afraid" meaning either they're fucking terrifying or all the dude angels have their dicks out-)

- Some angels can actually sense demons. 

- Angels, unlike demons, can't change their form much. They'll look basically the same except maybe age and the loss of halos and wings. 

- Angels can't touch upside down crosses, some pentagrams(haha, they're for protection and works against evil and good), and other stuff deemed satanic, which to weaker angels include possessed mortals. 

- Angels have an aura of positivity, which makes them fun to be around. They can shut that off at will, unless inexperienced. 


Okay, I have a couple scenarios here so that everyone has a freaking chance for stuff. Also, it either gets intertwined with smut (no surprise, my ship folder is like 90% sins), especially with the demons, or one/both people showing their obvious markers of being an angel/demon uwu

SCENARIO 1 (Angel x Demon) 

Being sent to earth to make sure order is in place is hard for (Angel) being an angel. They haven't been to Earth in what felt like years, and it really felt relieving. That is until (Demon) caught their attention. Now, something felt off to them, but it's been a while since seeing (Demon), so (Angel) decides to strike up a conversation. 

SCENARIO 2 (Human x Demon)

(Human) has just noticed a new person, yet they look all too familiar. (Demon) was definitely a swell enough looking person, except the sudden feeling of dread every time (Human) goes near them. Well, for reasons, (Human) says fuck that and decides to start a conversation with (Demon)

SCENARIO 3 (Human x Angel) 

Being an angel certainly had its perks. Mainly just drawing in large crowds, at least it was good for (Angel). Soon enough, they begun to notice (Human) around a lot more often, it was actually really really cute. 

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