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'Aunt? Uh-, hi.' I say awkwardly. Oh God. I am dead.

'Hi? You completely forgot that you have an aunt who is worried sick thinking about you and now the only thing you say hi!' Aunt Courtney's barking regulates through my ear, piercing it. 'When was the last time you called me, Sierra? I had to know you got a job through Lana, cause my dear niece didn't think it was important to inform me!'

'Aunt, calm down. I'm sorry. I was really busy with everything that's going on and couldn't call.' I pause for a moment letting her cool down. 'I was going to call you today. But you beat me to it.'

'Really?' She seems unsure.

'Hundred percent.' leave a sigh of relief hearing her comparatively calm tone. 'And don't call me Sierra. It's Sia. How're you?'

'I'm fine and why I would call you Sia when your name is Sierra. Don't give me the crap, young lady.'

'Ok. Fine.' I mumble.

She pauses for a moment, clearly affected by my tone.

'My blood pressure is under control and yeah, I took my med. Thanks for asking.' She says sarcastically, trying to uplift the mood.

'I'm really sorry for not calling you sooner.' Guilt strikes me hard. I know she always forget to take her medicine. I should have called. She is my only relative alive after all.

'It's fine.' She finally laughs, making me realised that she was only messing with me. 'I am really happy to know that you are doing a job. How is it? Your boss isn't giving you hard time, right? Are you enjoying it? Is the payment good?' She bombards me with questions.

I grin. She somehow always manage to lighten up my mood, no matter how dark it is. 'Yeah. Work's fine. And payment is good too.' I deliberately leave out the details that Caden is my boss and that automatically makes things hard for me. I don't want to make her blood suger lavel high too.

'Perfect. Then, you'll be visiting me soon, right?' She sounds happy.

'Yeah. Next month.' I confirm.

'Have you talked to Rex lately? He was asking about you.'

'No.' I sheepishly reply. 'I got caught up. I'll ring him in the evening for sure.' I amend.

'You do that. I need to go. Take care. Now that you got a job, don't overwork, ok? Love you.' She air kisses.

'Hmm. You too. Don't forget to take meds. Love you too. Bye.' I hang up.

Ah. An involuntary sigh leaves from my mouth. I am feeling much better now that I talked with her. Damn, Caden made a fool out me. How could I let him affect me that much? He intentionally came closer to me and I willingly fell into his trap without even realising.

How could he say that I am trying to slee-, God, I grimace. Does he think that little of me?

Of course, he does. My mind mercilessly reminds me.

I don't care whatever the hell he thinks of me. And I keep reminding that myself repeatedly as I walk towards the hall room where the meeting is supposed to take place, in my heart, having a secret hope that my day will be better from here.

- - - - - - - -

'Do you have any idea how this company works? Just because you are the team leader, doesn't mean we have to accept whatever shitty plan you throw at us.' Alec utters angrily. 'You aren't even experienced enough.'

'I'm not saying this just to make you accept my idea. I admit, it has a lot of room for improvement but we can make profit by it and besides, it's only an idea. We can improvise it any time.'

Billionaire's Cheating Fiancée Where stories live. Discover now