Chapter 1

38 2 4

The resolution.

Yet again, characters from kw1206's hands will be mentionned in this chapter.


Once back home safe, and all plopped out in my bed, in my cosy pyjama pants, I looked back at my phone's screen and the conversation I had with Allison about Seal Clubbing. The part about the ''hitting things'' was the funniest to me. I still laugh to it (not so loudly, though, to not wake Jack up). I nodded again… the concept seemed simple : hitting things till they don't move… hehe. Very interresting, indeed. I pressed the power button on the side of my phone, and the screen switched to pitch black. I then hugged my phone close to me. This girl has definetly brought a swing to my life, I thought to myself. Starting today, my life would take a veeery diffrent direction from before. I have finally decided what I wanted to do, and no one will stop me from fulfilling my dream. With that in mind, I hugged my phone a last time before placing it it on my besides table, then drifted myself to sleep, dreaming and thinking of how glorious I would be with that trajectory in mind.

The next morning, I woke up with determination boiling in my veines. Certainly thanks to the sunshine that was carressing my cheeks as it rose up. I decided that today will be the day I will announce the good news to him. I stood up abruptly from bed and put my slippers on. They exited my feet not so long after, to be exchanged with my shoes, since I was dressed, wearing my casual pink sweater and grey sweatpants. I checked a last time that my cap was perfectly set on my head, before heading off downstairs.

"Good morning, Soso ! Slept well ?" Jack greeted me warmly, a cup of strong coffee in hand. I nodded in reply before I take grip of another cup, certainly waiting for me. I sipped on it before I tell him :

"Jack, remember that resolution thing ? Where you have to decide of something you want to do once you're aged 18 ?"

"Ah, yeah ! Well ?"

"I've finally decided what I wanted to do !"

"Ah ! And well ?"

"Well, I want to become an Adventurer !"

At that moment, I really thought Jack was going to choke on his coffee. He posed his cup on the counter just next to him, before he wiped his mouth on his sleeves.

"Argh ! Urgh- what ?! Adventurer, you said ?"

"Well, yes, I will even start as of today ! What's the problem with it ?"

"The problem ?! Sonja, don't you understand ? Being an Adventurer is certainly the riskiest job in the whole Kingdom."

"Oh, y'know, I am more than aware of that."

"Think again before taking any decision, Sonja. I don't mean here that I'm forcing you to change your mind. I'm just telling you here that you can still think of something else before putting yourself in danger."

"What do you mean, in danger ? This will not be dangerous at all ! I'll even be able to explore a bit this place, instead of getting stuck here. And moreover... I might even get to open myself a bit more ! ... Like you wanted me to do...?"

Jack stuttered to my sudden response, eyes widen.

"O-Oh, silly !" and he closered himself near me, wrapping both arms around me in a tight embrace. "Of course, I want you to see more people, hang out with friends (other than Zyo and the girls), travel around the Kingdom ! ... but weren't there any other solutions than Adventurer for that ?"

"Let's be honnest, Jack. Do you find any other solutions than this ?"


Silence fell for a few seconds. Noticing that my brother's reflexion was being too long, I removed myself out of the hug and replied :

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