Chapter 3

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The conciling Council.


I headed towards the Market Square, to the shop called The Amory and Leggery. This is where Jack works. I openned the door. A little bell rang to announce my arrival. A voice grunted before answering :

"For the last time, no ! I don't do sales anym-"

As the voice was cut in it's cetence, I saw the figure of a man, no others than Jack. He was so gobsmacked to see me, to the point of rushing to my direction, and wrap his arms around, hugging the hell out of me and making me drop my club.

"Sonja ! This is you !" he started as he then placed his arms on my shoulder, then everywhere else, probably checking something. "Are you okay ? Didn't you get hurt ?"

"N-No, I'm fine-"

"EEK- a scar ! Quick, quick, uuuh- something to protect ! Here !"

Jack hurried again to the backstore, to come back with band-aids, patches, and a sanitizer. He started to clear my wound on the chin, due to the rabbit, with a patch.

"Heyyy- chill, bro ! I'm just a little scratched, it'll get better soon, and careful with your-- GAH, c-cold !"

"Don't move ! Just a little band-aid, and I'll be done !"

I sighed to such overreaction (that's what I thought by the time). Once he finished placing the little band-aid on my chin, he wrapped an arm again, after I took back my club in hand.

"U-Uh... anyway," he rubbed the back of his head out of embarrassement. "How was this first day in adventuring ?"

"Oh, it went pretty great ! Got to learn the basics and make myself new friends !"

"Haha, good news ! You seem to like it..."

"Yeah... I do." There was a pause where both of us smiled at each other. I then showed him my club. "Look, I've got this in hands now ! Guess what class I am ?"

"Oh, pretty obvious with that bat. Seal Clubber, am I right ?"

'"Yeah, totally-"

"It's pretty poor-ish, for a club."

A stern voice remarked as we both turned to see who was coming inside. It was a young man, approximatively Jack's age, for sure, with brown curly hair and hazel eyes. He was wearing an apron atop his red shirt and beige pants.

"Ah, Isaac ! It's only you." Jack greeted him, shaking hands with him. Isaac was known as the Meathsmith, at the Market Square. I greeted him as well with a simple bow.

"Yeah. So. What I was saying to your sister over here was that there isn't anything that impressive in that club. Like, how would you even be able to hit things with just wood ?"

"... With your strengh ?" I retored, waving an eyebrow.

"Yeah. But that doesn't do the full trick. Here, lend me it for a sec. I'll arrange it."

I looked at my club a last time, before rolling eyes and giving it to Isaac. He examined it with care, before heading off to his own shop.
He then came back, some five minutes later, with it... but most part of the tip was covered in nails (those you use when you craft).

"And... that's supposed to help me kicking ass better ?"

"Yeah. It ain't much, but that would already be a good start. Well. Jack has told me everything. Adventuring now, eh ?"

"Quite exactly. I'm gonna meet the Council tomorrow."

"Ah ! Double reason to thank me, then."

"... Why ?"

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