Chapter 29

18 1 16

Recovering process.


''Well done, my child,'' a familiar voice rose to my ears. ''You have made it. You... defeated him. I am so proud of you... Kuma.''

I was looking up the white cellar as she spoke to me. I then stood up, with a bit of her help, too. I felt this tieme her hand was materialized as I held onto it. 
That dream again... two possibilities, either I'm still alive, either I'm dead, but I'm at Hey Deze by now, I thought my looking at my pale hands. Heh... at least, Mourn will be happy to see me back.

''What were you thinking of, my child ?'' Mom's voice rose again.

''Ah ? Uh... nothing. I was wondering... how I was doing, right now.''

''Well, let me tell you something honnest, my child... you look perfectly healthy to me.''

''Whew, that means I should stay alive ! Thank goodness,'' I sighed in relief.

''Yes, but for now, I don't feel you are in the right state to just wake up yet,'' Mom retored to me. ''Come on, now, Sonja... how about you enjoy some time with your own mother, the time you wake up ?'' 

''Hm... sure, if you want,'' she smiled at me before we held hands, and we walked off together. 

The surroundings around us were only made of white for a moment, until we walked for at least five good minutes. A blinding light came to our direction. I covered my eyes, until the light faded away. When I uncovered, my eyes suddenly widen of pure admiration to the sight in front of us : we were now situaded in a forest, or at least the border of it, on the edge of a cliff. At the other side of the cliff was found a buiding -- a gigantic buldings, made of both ivory and golden materials. Or at least, it could be told, for the roof was ornated with golden shields all around it. I wondered aloud, standing frozen and admirative for a few secondes. My mom looked at my direction, laughing softly.

''There, Sonja... don't you recognize this building ?''

''Y-Yes... I do remember it... i-isn't it... Valhalla ?''

''Exactly, my child. This is where I live, from the day of my passing, with all our predecessors... as well as your father.''

''D-Dad is in here too ?!'' she couldn't stop laughing at my uncontained excitement.

''Yes. We can go see him, if you want. So we could let all of our family know about your exploit !'' 

''That would be so great.''

She held me by the hand again, asking me not to let go of it during transportation. I shrugged before I could feel myself floating off my feet. A hord of shiny butterflies came surrounding us, their entiere strengh reunited to carry us past the cliff, till the other side of it. I was holding firmly on mom's hand, while the butterflies took us for a trip. At last, now that they arrived to the other side, we could lie back on our feet, and the little bugs soon dispelled themselves, going everywhere around the ivory entrance hall that was now facing us. The ground felt smoother on our feet, too.

''They shouldn't be too far away, I let them know that I would come with a guest, today,'' mom informed me, before a figure called me out.

I turned around to see dad's silhouette coming from afar, his white clothing shining brightly in the dim sunlight. I gasped loudly, before I ran to him, and we embraced each other closely, rejoicing our union.

''DAD !! Dad, I'm back ! I defeated him ! I really did it !''

''W-Wow, you did ? That's amazing, sweetie ! You will tell everyone about it, I bet they would love to hear your tales !''

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