Chapter 26

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Me and My Nemesis
(the second blow)


I jumped out of my hideout and dashed to the group of five demonic seals that were now charging to my direction, their maws drooling widely. I could glance at their attire. You know how in gangster movies, they always have that 'bodyguard thug' character ? The big, beefy bald guy, with a broken nose and little piggy eyes and no neck, wearing a cheap suit and brass knuckles ?

This is basically the seal version of that guy. One went to my direction, it's fangs about to close themselves on my arm.

"Greetings from the tribe," I shouted to it, "ever heard of kuniks ?! Lemme show you how it works !!"

I jumped on both my feet, flinched myself backwards, before I held firmly on the seal's shoulders and headbutted it with all my strengh. I then pushed it away with a nice and swift roundhouse kick. It hit the wall. It's four other fellows circled me. I eyed them with caution. One cracked it's neck. Why do they always do that ? -- it then rushed to my direction, clapping it's teeth into thin air, for I ducked backwards. I attempted to go for it, but one of it's fellows made me trip on it's tail. I could stand up just on time to lift my hammer up and land it on one of them's muzzle. While it was complaining, another one approached me, it's tail ready for action. I took a deep breath before stepping to face it. I then didn't hesitate, the second it's tail was going for my face, to dodge sideways and stomp on it. It wailed in pain. I pushed it away. The one woth the broken nose went charging me again. I went for another swing of my hammer straight to it's face. This one hit has knocked it off. Two more.

Think Sonja, think. What would you do, if you were in a dire situation...!!

I thought as the last two guards went for my direction. That's approximatively here where I got the idea of sumonning some ice. I first thought this would be stupid, because I was in the right middle of a heat source, therefore, it would melt right away... but when I rose my hand to the air, when I covered my eyes from this blinding light, when I heard that soft choir...
I now felt I was grabbing on something very cold. I looked at what now seemed to be a dagger, fully made of ice, in my hand. My eyes widen. Never thought that would be possible, I thought as the two seals were now bound to attack me. Quick, I had not so much time to react now, and I needed to hurry. I rushed to one of them and threw my blade randomly to it. It landed straight to the neck, killing it on the strike. But I planted the blade at least three or four additional times, to make sure it was taken down. There was only one seal left. I turned around to face it. Now, it sure was ready to attack me, thus at all coasts. I raised both my hammer and my dagger, showing them to it. It growled. Didn't seem to scare it much, but I expect it. Then, a low roar. Everything stopped. I blinked. The seal turned at all directions, to see what was the noise. Then, at one direction, it jumped of fear and winced, going away of the battlefield. Looks like it was easier than I would think, I thought before looking in front of me...

With a blood-curdling roar, a seal, even more massive, strong, menacing than all of those I've had to fight before, charged out of a darkened cave tunnel, his eyes glowing red with uncontrollable fury. The other seals squealed and backed away from such tense atmosphere he was spreading around him. No other doubts. It was no others than him...

''GORGOLOK ! At least, we meet again !'' I snarled at him.


"Your reign of terror is at an end, monster, for it is I who will take it down !" I shouted to his direction, standing my ground firmly and leveling my weapon at the ferocious hellspawn. 

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