Chapter 30

30 1 13

Welcome back !


''Hey ! Mind passing me the field glass ? I think we're approaching the lands,'' I nodded before giving him it. He extended it then scurried the horizons with it. ''Hm, must have been my imagination... is it me or are we not moving at all ?''

''... You're not wrong, it doesn't seem like the boat's moving. Did the engine suddenly stop working again ?'' I closered myself to the said engine before realizing the terrible truth : ''Ah shit. We're out of fuel.''

''Oh no, you will have to be joking !''

''I kid you not.''

''So... what do we do, now ?''

''I guess we'll have to make all the way with the waves only, while attempting to keep our trajectory straight-foward,'' I said while looking at the map. ''If this is possible, we shall be coming back to Loathing by next morning.''

''Whew, now this is going to be a long trip.''

''Yeah, also hoping here we'll not get hit by a-''

I heaved a sigh as I saw big, menacing grey clouds approaching our raft. They were also rumbling with thunder, and droplets started pouring out of them, on the watery surface of the sea.

''... storm...''

''Well now you sure look drenched ! Quick, take this.''

Phineas handed me a giant leaf that once served for the hut's roof. I thanked him before hiding myself behind it. Not sure this would protect us from thunders now, I thought while looking skywards. It was now getting darker. And the waves would become more violent. they were clapping against the wood while we were making our way onward. Actually, at some point, when we had to eat, it was rainning so hard, we decided to hide ourselves under the leather hide that once used to be made for Phineas' zepplin. We could enjoy the moment we were around our food to talk a bit, to not just travel for the convenience :

''So, Phineas... what will you do, when you'll come back home ?''

''First of all, I would see my family, to see if they are all okay. Emily, the children, all my siblings... and then, I would try to fix my zepplin back together.''

''I see... I bet they would be so happy to see you again.''

''Oh, definitely ! Mostly the poor Emily, the lad has been waiting for me, for too long.''

''Yeah... that must be hard to handle, waiting for your husband to come back, with the thought that perhaps he will never come back... kinda like at war. I do know one that is like that.''

''This young, and already married ?! You youngies sure like to rush things !'' I suddenly blushed to his response.

''Wha- n-no !! We're not...'' I took a deep breath. ''We just started dating, like, the day before I departured from Loathing.''

''Oh, right. And who is this lucky man or woman ?''

''Man. And... don't you think that's already embarrassing enough ?''

''I mean, I already talked about my own other half. So why not you ?''

''Eh... fair enough. Alright, I guess. His name is... Mourn. Sounds werid, but like... he's a demon. I know this should sound awkward, in terms of immortality morals and such, but what can I tell ? The honey blossom -- that's my endearing name for him -- fell for me and so did I, we now live our own story, with our things to share.''

''What a touching story,'' he wiped his eye with his tissue.

''Yeah. And I've been missing him for all the trip. We... bever really got our first kiss before. I just wish... I would be able to give him one, the day we will return home.''

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