Chapter Two.

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Kara immediately calls Charlotte. "C'mon, pick up your damn phone." The call goes to voicemail and Kara reopens the Mystic Messenger app.   

This is really odd.

  She stares at the chat while trying to decide whether she should open it or not. After long consideration, Kara closes her eyes then clicks on the chat that is occupied by 707. She opens her eyes to read the message, hoping that it is not a virus or a trick someone played on her.

707: Aaasdsdfggggggghg

What the hell?  

Kara hits the respond button but instead of the usual text options, her normal phone keyboard popped up.

What is going on?

K: Um...What?


Seven is sitting at his computer, completing his usual boring hacking gig. He took out his phone to play a game because he felt he deserved a break, plus he was bored out of his mind. Seven turned on his phone and realized that the RFA app was up. "Must of opened it with my ass..." Seven chuckled. He closed the app then opened up Candy Crush. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Vanderwood exclaimed. Seven jumped up from being startled.

 "Dude, you scared the crap out of me!" Seven stated while holding his chest. 

"Well maybe that wouldn't happen if you were doing your job like you are supposed to be doing." Said Vanderwood.

"Relax bro. I've done so much already; I deserve a break. Besides, do you know how boring this stuff is? I do the same exact thing almost every day."

"Tch. I'm not your "bro". I don't really care if your bored or if you're dying. And if you don't do your work, the boss will have both of us killed. So either get back to work, or I'm going to have to use this on you." Vanderwood walks closer to Seven, taking his taser out from his jacket and turns it on. 

Seven puts his hands up in surrender, "Fine, but at least let me shower first. I haven't showered in 3 days and i'm starting to smell myself." Seven chuckled at his own statement.

"Whatever. Just make it quick. We're on a time limit." Vander wood states as Seven nods his head and hurries to his room.

Vanderwood stands there with his arms crossed, "I swear he's gonna be the death of me. Literally."

 Seven's phone vibrates on his computer desk and gets the attention of Vanderwood. He looks down at the phone to see a message from the RFA app. "I thought the RFA went their separate ways." Vanderwood says to himself. Curiosity getting the best of him, Vanderwood decides to pick up Sevens phone so he can read the message. He turns on the phone and sees that there is a 20-digit password. 

" Tch. Are you kidding me?? 20 digits? Wait... There is no way it would be..." Vanderwood then proceeds to type in 7777 33 66 3 66 88 3 33 7777. 

"Password Correct," Sevens phone chimes.

"Of course that's what it was." Vanderwood mumbles as he taps on the RFA app notification. The RFA app loads in, and Vanderwood clicks onto the still open chat room. Ready to reply back, saying that 707 is in the shower, Vanderwood then looks at the sender. Who is this?


Kara is now sitting up in her bed, still trying to process what the hell is going on. She is confused as to why her keyboard popped up instead of the automated text. She is also now confused about the fact that she hasn't gotten a reply for about half an hour when usually it was just a few seconds, again being because of automated text. She then heard the usual Mystic Messenger ringtone come from her phone which was on the other side of her bed. Kara hesitated to pick up her phone to read the message. She had a million different thoughts and questions running through her head. 

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