Chapter Five.

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Kara woke up due to the the light shining through her window; pink illuminating into her room from her pastel pink curtains. She groans, turning to her side to check her phone, realizing she woke up before her alarm.


She rolled over, laying on her back as she covered her eyes with her arm. She let out another groan as she knew she wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep. Kara sighed as she sat up and swung her legs off of the bed to get up. She grabbed her phone before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast.

She goes to take eggs out the fridge to make breakfast and then she realized how they all... broke. Instead Kara grabbed the bacon out of the freezer, then went to the pantry to grab pancake mix.

She took out a bowl and a measuring cup, filling it up with water then set it to the side. Next she filled the bowl with the pancake mix, and started dumping the water in. She stirs the mix with a spoon that she retrieved out of the kitchen drawer.

Kara decided she wanted to try out something that she had seen online, where bacon is baked in the oven. She placed the bacon on a pan then placed it in the oven before she started pouring the pancake mix onto the griddle.

She turned on her phone to see she got a notification from the MM app. She clicked onto the notification, and sent her to the chat room with "Stark".


Stark: Seriously? It's Vanderwood.

K: Oh... But your username isn't Vanderwood so how was i supposed to know??

Stark: Well it's not that hard to figure out unless you're an idiot.

Wow...Seriously Cheritz, You didn't have to make him a complete douche canoe...

K: Whatever -_-


Kara looked away from her phone as she noticed the smell of something burning. "FUCK!" She yelled as she realized she forgot about her pancakes. She quickly turned off the griddle and attempted to scrape off the pancakes. " Great. Now it's burnt to a crisp." Kara huffed, as she really wanted those pancakes.


K: I just burnt my pancake. T^T

Stark: Just make a new batch... It's that easy.

K: That was the rest of the pancake mix though. :(

Stark: Your using store bought? Tch. Home-made is way healthier. I'll can give you a recipe if you want...

K: Yes please! That would be awesome :)

Stark: Okay so for the recipe you need, Baking powder, baking soda, honey, vanilla, oats, and coconut oil/ or butter.

K: Okay! Luckily I have all of the things you listed! Thanks! :)

Stark: Yeah. You're welcome I guess... And this time keep an eye on it, seriously, unless you want to make another batch, then THAT is your fault.

K: Understood. The only reason they burnt was because was talking to you soo.. But I really want a pancake so I will keep my eye on it this time! ^^" Ciao~

Okay...His personality is like 1% better now.


Kara sighed as she turned of her phone and started making the pancakes, keeping a close eye on them since she didn't want them to burn this time.

She checked the bacon and saw it was done so she took it out using an oven mit, making sure not to burn herself.

Kara then gently set the pan onto the stove and then checked on the pancakes that appeared ready to flip. She then grabbed the spatula and flipped them carefully, so that they wouldn't fall apart. Kara sighed in relief when she successfully did so.

They smell so good! It just makes me more hungry.

Once the pancakes were done she pulled out a pearl white plate with a metallic blue rim. She placed two delicious looking pancakes on the plate and a few pieces of bacon. Without realizing it she made it look so pretty on the plate. She grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with orange juice. She set the food and her drink on the table and then grabbed a cute, designed napkin. Kara placed the napkin near the plate and perfectly placed her silverware onto it.

Kara then took out her phone and took pictures of her perfectly set table. She stopped after taking a few good pictures, and smiled proud in what she made. She then opened the Mystic Messenger app and went back to her conversation with Stark and sent him a picture.


K: Done! I hope these are as good as they look! :)

Stark: Well they will be if you cooked them correctly.

K: Well I think I did... Welp- I won't know until I try them! ^^


Vanderwood chuckled smiling slightly at his phone.

"Who ya textin'?" Seven appeared beside him. Vanderwood pulled out his taser and turned it on. " None of your damn business..." Vanderwood stated threatening Seven with his taser. Seven put up his hands up and giggled. "Fine fine, sorry I'll get back to work!" Seven said then walked back to his computer .

Vanderwood put his taser away after turning it off and sighed looking at his phone.


Kara turned off her phone and set it down before taking a seat on her chair. She picked up her knife and fork then took a big bite of her pancake. Her eyes sparkle from how good it turned out.

Omg this is like the best pancake recipe ever.

She finished eating then stood up while taking the last sip of her orange juice. Kara put her dishes in the sink then proceeded to put music on her phone to listen to while washing the dishes.


After washing dishes she turns around and sees a tall guy about 6' with dirty blond hair and blue eyes laying on her table. A second later it snaps in half and he runs out the door screaming "OHHHHH YEAAAAAAA"

Cait): Lol just kidding back to the story!!


After washing dishes Kara dried her hands on a towel and sighed, bored at the fact she didn't have anything to do.

Maybe I can go shopping for some more eggs....?

"Okay ima go do that" she said grabbing her phone and car keys before walking out the house, making sure to lock it before getting into her car. Kara didn't quite care about the fact she was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

At least they aren't pajamas...

She turned on her engine and put her seatbelt across her body, before driving off to go to the grocery store.


After arriving Kara got out her car, grabbing her purse then locked her car before going into the local grocery store. She walked around the wide isle, searching for the couple of items she needs. She stopped in front of the dairy isle and walked down it picking up another carton of eggs.

Hopefully I don't drop the eggs again...

Kara made sure she has all the things she needed before walking to to register and paying for the things she the groceries.

After buying everything, she grabbed the bags and walked outside the store and made her way back to her car. She placed her groceries in her trunk then got into her car and started the engine, while buckling her seatbelt. Kara then proceeded to drive all the way back home.


When arriving back home Kara CAREFULLY got the eggs out the car and then slowly walked to her door trying not to break the new carton. After successfully reaching the door without any issues, Kara took out her keys and unlocked her apartment. She stepped in and set the eggs in the fridge after taking them out the bag. She then did a victory dance, happy that the eggs are now safe. She then continued to put the rest of her few groceries away. When she finished she sighed and then sat on the couch, putting her knees up to her chest, as she turns on the TV and pulls out her phone.

She opened up the conversation with Vanderwood.

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