Peirsagi (Peirce x Usagi)

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Peirce sat in his desk and sighed. It was hard enough sitting there all day filling out paperwork, and then a fellow worker had to go and tell him Usagi was at the Spring Fair with his "girlfriend" apparently. 

Peirce always knew he had feeling for Usagi, but he was seriously troubled when trying to express his emotions. So as the years went on his hunger for Usagi's love grew more and more, and suddenly he found himself obsessing over him. No matter how much Peirce knew how sick his obsession was, no matter how much he tried to not think about him all day, he couldn't help it. Soon enough he had spies watching over Usagi, wanting to know everything he possibly can about him.

Peirce couldn't stand the fact that Usagi was with someone else, and knew he had to do something about it... Maybe it was about time to tell him...


Usagi sighed as he climbed into the Ferris wheel with his new "girlfriend" Sheila. She was a nice girl and all, but the only real reason he was dating her was so he could get his mind off of Peirce, even though it made him only want to think about him more. 

 "Hey, you okay?" Sheila said with her head tilted looking at Usagi. 

 Usagi snapped out of it and nodded, giving her a smile. "Of course princess, couldn't be any better," he said with a wink. He was always good at hiding his feelings with flirtatious comments. But with Sheila... She saw through it all.

 "You sure? Omg!- Do you like someone else? IS IT A BOY!?" She said with a squeal. Yes, she can be an oddball. Yes, she would prefer to see Usagi with another guy than with her. But, she is very nice and caring so Usagi knew it was okay that she saw through everything. She always had anyway, so it wasn't it would be that long until he told her.

 " Pft- No, Why would I be dating you? " Usagi said with a smirk.

Sheila just continued squealing "It is a guy!!" She said fangirling over the situation. 

Usagi sighed and looked out at the view as the Ferris Wheel reached the top. "What if I do?" He said with a huff. 

 "That would be AMAZING! Think of all the babies!" She said with a giggle.

 "You know boys can't have children right?..." Usagi said with a slight blush actually thinking about it. 

 "Yea.... But it's fun to imagine!!! " She chuckled 

Usagi sighed and looked at her, "...Can you help...?" He didn't quite have to say anything else she knew what he wants right away anyway. 


Peirce quickly got off of work and decided to drive to the Fair acting as if he just wanted to go for entertainment, but the only entertainment he needs is Usagi. 

After arriving, Peirce acted casual as he bought a ticket from the booth that sells tickets. Peirce took his ticket from the man, and then looked up at the Ferris Wheel, his eyes immediately finding Usagi.

It felt like a sharp spear piercing through his chest. His senpai was actually with a goofy girl that didn't deserve him. Peirce couldn't take standing there, watching her giggle as Usagi obviously didn't like her... Right?

Peirce couldn't hold himself back anymore as he started walking over to that Ferris wheel that was about to let the riders out. 


 "So you like Peirce huh...?" Sheila said sitting back on the Ferris Wheel thinking. " You two have known each other for a while now. He probably likes you too! " she said with a giggle.

 "Well, I hope so.." He mumbled in a grumpy tone looking at the view. 

"Don't be grumpy with me mister! I'm helping you!" She said wiggling her finger side to side. 

 "Sorry..." He said still in a grumpy tone, yet Sheila knew how thankful he was, which made a smile appear on her face.

The whole time they were on the Ferris wheel Sheila asked many questions about Peirce and came up with one possible answer for when they were about to get off. 

"I think you should just tell him," Sheila said matter of factly. "Besides if he is how you describe him then it can't be that hard," she said with a shrug.

 "Are you CRAZY?" Usagi blurted wide-eyed. 

" Yes. But that's not the point. You should do it sooner or later before he moves on with someone else! " Sheila stated.

 "Good point.." He sighed when climbing out of the seat. "What should I do first, take him in a date or some- OMG IT'S HIM," he jolted and grabbed Sheila 's hand to speed walk the hecc away.

"Uhm... Why are we running!?" Sheila said slowing them down on purpose. " Ask him to join us! " She whispered in his ear. She then began walking over to Peirce.


Why is she walking over to me? I can't stand to be near her...

Peirce couldn't help but feel annoyed as she walked over to him. But worst of all she was PULLING along his Usagi. BY THE HAND. 

"Hey!- Peirce right? We wanted to know if you wanted to join us!" Sheila said with a adorable giggle that made Peirce want to gag.

"Sure... " was all he could manage to say.

They continued to awkwardly walk around with Usagi walking in the middle. Peirce wishes he could just slap that baka out of existence and be alone with Usagi... But this is reality. 

 "You guys Hungry?- Oooo they have a cotton candy booth over there! The tabs on me!" Sheila said before running over and saying " wait here. "


 "I don't like her." Peirce interrupted.

"Huh...?" Was all Usagi said.

" I don't get it. Why are you with her... and not me. You don't get how much I crave to be next to you. You're on my mind all the time. And, I hate to say it but I obsess over how amazing you are. But you chose HER. " He said taking a step closer his eyes wide looking crazy, "Why not me!? I can be whoever you want me to be... I'll do anything to be with you Usagi." Peirce placed his hand on Usagi's shoulder looking down at him with crazed eyes. He looked insane and all Usagi could do was stand there surprised not saying anything.

"Why won't you say anything!?" Peirce said and gave Usagi a shake. 

"Am I not good enough for you!? I do everything I possibly can! I even raise your paycheck and give you extra at the café! I always made sure you're safe! But this is what I get in return?! To see you with SOMEONE ELSE! She doesn't deserve you... " Peirce said with a chuckle slightly smiling his eyes looking more insane each word.

"To think I would have to do anything is so foolish of me. Do I need to show her, her place in this world?" 


As Peirce kept rambling on Usagi fell deep into his thoughts. 

Is this the real him...? It's not bad it just shows he cares... But it's weird to actually see emotion coming from him.. and that he had the same feelings but.. He got the wrong idea. The only reason I dated her was to try and make Peirce jealous which I know is not right of me, but I knew she knew... But why can't I move? I got what I wanted I just don't know what to do next... Why can't I move? Come on, damnit body, do something! 


Peirce was surprised to be suddenly grabbed by the collar of his shirt and pulled down into a gentle sweet kiss by his one and only senpai. His eyes went wide in surprise and he couldn't help but blush a bit.


Sheila paid for the cotton candy and began walking but her feet went to a halt when she saw Usagi had pulled Peirce into a kiss. A smile spread across her face.

I knew you could do it.

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