Chapter Seven.

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Kara sprinted to her car and quickly got in, starting the engine. She put on her seatbelt and started driving to Charlotte's house. She needed to tell her what was happening.


When arriving Kara got out her car after unbuckling her seatbelt then dashed for Charlotte's front door and knocked until she answered.

"Hey Kara!" Churro exclaimed when opening the door. Kara rushed into the house past Charlotte mumbling the words " They're real. "

"Kara you okay..?" Charlotte asked worried, shutting the door behind her before walking up to Kara, who seems to be highly freaking out.

"They're real", Kara repeated, almost in a whisper, obviously freaked out about the event that had just taken place. Charlotte looked at Kara with her brows crinkled , and worry evident in her eyes. Kara sat on the floor in front of Charlotte's couch, with her knees bent and her hand's in her face. Charlotte could tell that Kara was completely out of it, so all she did was sit next to Kara in complete silence.

After Kara finally calmed down Churro looked at her. "Who's real Kara..? Who?" She asked wanting to help Kara as much as possible. They were best friends after all, and Charlotte saw her as a sister. And, wanted to do anything she possibly could for Kara.

"S-seven, Vanderwood... Al-All of them." Kara said choking on there names.

" K. There fictional characters... " Churro said rubbing Kara's back comforting her.

"Th-that's what I thought too..." She said in a whisper.

Charlotte sighed and looked at Kara worriedly. "How about... I get you some ice cream to calm your nerves...?" She offered knowing Kara could never turn food down . Especially ice cream.

Kara hesitantly nodded before Churro got up and went to the kitchen. Charlotte game back a minute later with a bowl of cookie dough ice cream, handing it to her.

"Thank you.." Kara mumbled before taking a big bite of ice cream.

"No problem!" Charlotte said with a sweet smile, knowing what Kara was saying was nonsense, but at least she was there to help her .

"Well, since your here we can get ready for the Christmas party together..." Charlotte insisted.

" Oh! I forgot about that... Yea sure! " Kara said, smiling like she was back to her normal self.

"Okay! But first finish your ice cream, then we'll start getting ready, okay?" Charlotte said.

Kara nodded before taking another bite of the cookie dough goodness.


After Kara finished her ice cream, Her and Charlotte raced to her room beginning to get ready. Churro gave her a short red dress with matching gold heels. Churro wore a red dress as well, but in a completely different style.

Then they both did each other's hair, Kara did Charlotte's hair to be down and curled, and Charlotte put Kara's hair in a beautiful bun.

Afterwards they went on to do their make-up, giving themselves a natural look.


After getting all ready they took Kara's car to MaidVivo which was closed for the day because of the party.

When arriving they stepped out of the car and proceeded to walked inside the building. The walls were covered with Christmas decorations, the tables that people normally were served at was filled with foods, each table represented a different type. There was a disco ball in the middle of the ceiling illuminating the room. There seemed to be music playing in the background, but the speakers were pretty hidden in all the decorations and such.

Kara's attention was set in Peirce and Usagi, which were dancing together, Usagi seemed to be blushing which was kinda weird since e was normally the one not blushing. While Peirce was just calm during the whole situation.

Kara saw a table that was filled with Korean food and made her way over there smiling. She was about to pick up a plate to dig in when she was interrupted by someone.

"Food already?" She heard someone say from behind giggling. Kara turned and saw her friend Faith staring back at her.

"Hey Faith!" Kara exclaimed giving her a quick hug. She hasn't seen her in a while due to the fact they always have completely different work shifts.

"It's been a while hasn't it?" She said obviously knowing it has but, she didn't know how else to start the conversation.

"Yea it has ," Kara giggled before adding, " Maybe we should hang out sometime? "

"Sound fun!" Faith said smiling sweetly.


After the many talks with all her co-workers, and the endless plates of food filled with desserts and Korean food, Kara set back off for home, trying to keep her mind off of what had happened earlier that day.

When arriving home Kara got out of her car exhausted, not wanting to have to deal with everything that happened earlier. But she knew she had to face the facts.

But what now...? What do I do about this, all of this?

Kara unlocked her door and walked inside deciding to message Jaehee. She knew she would be the best one to explain and talk to at the moment.

"Girls gotta stick together right...?" She mumbled to herself after shutting the door before looking for her phone.

She searched high and low, in her room, in the kitchen, bathroom, everywhere but still couldn't find it. She knew she left it in her room so she looked one last time.

Kara picked up her blanket off her bed and heard her TV remote and her phone fall. She placed the blanket back on the bed praying her phone didn't break. Thankfully it didn't.

Kara picked up her remote and set it on the night-stand. Then she grabbed her phone and walked into the living room and sat on the couch Indian style.


It took Kara about fifteen minutes to get the courage to message Jaehee.

Finally she got the confidence boost and unlocked her phone screen, clicking on the messenger app. Kara saw she had quite a few notifications from Seven and Vanderwood, but she ignored them for now and went straight to a conversation with Jaehee.

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