Chapter Six.

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Vanderwood heard the chirp of his phone as he received another message from Kara. He wouldn't admit it, but he quite enjoys the little conversations he has with her. Vanderwood pulled his phone out of his pocket and unknowingly smiled as he read the text she sent.

K: The pancakes were amazing! Thank you for saving the day with your healthy pancake recipe.

Stark: Well, I wouldn't have to 'save the day' if you knew how to not burn pancakes.

"Tch. I sound like a complete ass," Vanderwood mumbled as he starts to get pissed off with himself. He really didn't mind these chats he had with Kara, but he knows that they can't last forever. And he also understands that he has to keep a distance, for her sake. Instead of feeling sad about the situation, Vanderwood holds anger and regret in his heart for ever talking to her. Although he feels this way, he knows he can't resist the urge of taking the small second out of his day to reply back to her. Vanderwood doesn't notice, but he feels more than just anger and regret towards her. He can't place this feeling because it's one that he has never experienced.

Vanderwood hears the chime of the notification from the RFA app and reads what Kara sent.

K: Hey, don't be an ass. I only burn my pancakes when I am distracted. And this time you were my distraction. You should actually feel special...xD

As Vanderwood read that message, he couldn't help but notice that oh so familiar feeling that he couldn't quite recognize. " I guess it won't hurt to just text her. It's not like I will ever see her. And i guess i could be a little nicer to her. Even though she's annoying..." Vanderwood mumbles again, as he types a reply back. He wonders to himself, why he can't just leave you be. Why do you, Kara, have to keep pulling him back in?


As Kara typed that message, she figured it was time to start trying to win over Vanderwoods heart.

I mean that is the whole point of the game right...?

After Kara's words were sent, she turned off her and made her way to her bedroom. She finally looked into her closet for a new set of clothes since she was still dressed in the ones from the night before. Kara set the out the outfit onto her bed and walked into the bathroom. Considering it was only noon, Kara supposed that she should shower, dress herself and get on with the rest of the days arrons. Well besides grocery shopping seeing that was already taken care of this morning.

Kara adjusted the water temperature to where it was just right. She then got undressed and hopped in, taking her time in the shower, as she was not in any rush. When she was finished she got out and wrapped herself in a towel. Kara put down the lid, sat on the toilet seat, and checked her cell for any missed notifications, seeing she has one from Vanderwood, and another from Seven.

Hmm..I wonder what Seven wants.

Kara proceeds to open the message from Vanderwood first.

Stark: By the way, What do you even look like? Not that i care or anything.

And still being an ass...

Kara thought about a reply, but because there was no automated message saying, "It's a secret" or "You'll see at the party", she started to wonder if this was another part of the update. She looked around the app, hoping that there was another new feature where you can send photos. Kara went back to the conversation between her and Vanderwood and pulled up her keyboard. She noticed a 'plus symbol' on the top, that isn't usually there. Kara clicked on the mysterious new symbol and a few options popped up; Send Art, Gif, Camera. Kara got curious, and tapped on the word camera, just to see if it worked. And it sure did, the camera pulled up and Kara stared back at her own face with wide eyes. She realized that if she did send a picture, that it would probably have the same automated reply every time, so she figured why not.

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