Chapter Three.

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Kara woke up and looked at the ceiling, thinking of everything that happened yesterday. She then turns to her side and glances at her alarm clock.

"....- HOLY SHIT I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR WORK!!" Kara shouted as she quickly got up and rushed over to her closet to swiftly get dressed into a black, turtle-neck and threw a light blue sweater over the first one. She then pulls on her black ripped jeans, and throws on the usual red converse.

Kara then dashes to the kitchen, while brushing her hair and quickly grabs her purse and keys, forgetting about her phone in her bedroom, as she got into her car and drive to work.


When arriving to work she opened MaidVivo's door and ran to the back to get changed into her maid uniform. After getting dressed she sighed in relief to actually make it to work on time.

She walked out of the dressing room and walked into the kitchen to start making the desserts for her customers as Usagi walked into the room.

"Were you almost late again?" Usagi said, standing beside her with him arms crossed. "Y-yea.." She muttered embarrassed, due to the fact that this wasn't her first time being "late" to work. "I figured so after seeing you rush in like that." He chuckles in an almost mockingly way.

Kara dropped the heavy tray with desserts on Usagi's fingers purposely. "-Ow! What was that for!?" Usagi wined. " For table 7" Kara smirked. Usagi then walked away mumbling something she couldn't quite catch, him sounding annoyed.

Hpmh whatever. It's what he deserves for mocking me like that...

Kara then went on to continue making the orders for the customers. After about 30 minutes passed, Charlotte walked in and sighed. "Why is business so busy today..." She said shaking her head. Charlotte then walked over to Kara and grabbed the next tray. "I know right... I've been baking forever..." Kara added. " It's been like 40 minutes K. " Charlotte giggled then headed back out the kitchen to deliver the tray to table 5.

Charlotte walked back into the kitchen to relieve Kara of her baking duties. "How about we trade places for a bit? I'll make desserts!" Charlotte asked really wanting to take a break from running around all over the place. " Uhmm... I don't know... The boss might not like that idea.. " Kara said. "Pretty pleaaaseee....?" Charlotte practically begged. "Fine!" Kara sighed and grabbed the other tray of desserts she was working on. "Where to?" She asked. " Table 4! " Charlotte stated.

Kara walked outside the kitchen and walked up to table 4. She looked at who it was and saw it was the same cherry red hair and gold eyes that she had seen the day before. She froze and looked at him surprised.

It's him...why is he here of all places!?!? This is embarrassing...first he helped me with my mess and now he sees me dressed up and working at a maid cafe!

Kara felt her cheeks burn up. She jolted when they made eye contact, her finally snapping out of it.

"O-oh! Here you go..." She stuttered, placing the tray onto the table. "I remember you! You were the girl yesterday who dropped her carton of eggs." He chuckled. "SHhh! Please don't say that so loudly, that was embarrassing! " She shushed him, as she blushed of embarrassment. "Oh sorry!" He smiled. The red-haired male observed Kara, and his eyes made their way down to her red converse. He stated, "Nice shoes, I actually have the same ones. Twinning!" The strange eyed man, put a really cheesy smile on his face. Kara blushed, "W-well I'm actually supposed to be wearing the uniform shoes, but they are really uncomfortable. Plus i spend most of the time in the kitchen anyway."

" Kara! This is no time to talk to your friend! Can't you see we're busy!? Get back to work! " Usagi said popping up behind her. She turned around and nodded. "Yes right away!" Kara turned to face him one last time, mouthing the word " bye" and then she quickly went back to work.


So Kara's her name, huh?... cute

Seven held his head in his hand and smiled warmly, watching Kara run around giving people their orders. He then took a bit of his pastry puff he ordered.



After Kara's busy shift at work, she walked back to the changing room to switch back into her normal attire. She finished getting dressed and sighed.

I'm exhausted.....

Charlotte walked out one of the other dressing rooms and looked at Kara. "Thanks for trading places with me! I appreciate it!" Charlotte giggled . "No problemo Churro!" Kara replied, showing a weak smile, since she is way too tired to even smile right now. She just wanted to go home and rest because she barely slept the night before.

"Wanna go out to eat with me? Someplace fancy? My treat!" Charlotte chirped. "Not today, thanks for the offer though. I think I'm going to just head home." Said Kara sleepily. "Oki! I understand!" She gave a warm smile and hugged Kara before heading out the door.

Kara grabbed her things and walked out of the cafe, wanting to get home as soon as possible , fix something quick for dinner, and then sleep. She realized she didn't eat dinner yesterday and then everything that happened flooded back to her like a tsunami.

She dropped everything in her hands and quickly checked all of her pockets, as well as everywhere in her bag for her phone but was still unable to find it.

I must have left it at home...

She grabbed her things once again then headed to the parking lot, towards her car to get home.

Sleeping may just have to wait..

She started her car, put on her seatbelt then drove off making sure not to go over the speed limit. And she couldn't help but get annoyed by how she is always behind the slow vehicles in times like this. It always pissed her off.


When Kara got home she got out of her car and huffed, still mad about the slow car ride, and she grabbed her keys and her belongings as she walked to her apartment door. Before unlocking it, she stops to think.

Wait...? Does he live near here? I mean he was here when the egg disaster happened, so it would make sense.

She shook her head at the thoughts as she unlocked the door. "We have more important matters at hand.." She muttered, unable to control her excitement about Vanderwoods route! She let out a squeal just thinking about it.

She quickly walked inside and shut her door behind her, locking it, as she dropped all her things on the table by the door. Kara then ran to her room, trying to find her phone on her bed. But just glancing at her bed, she didn't see it. That's when she pulled off all the blankets of off her bed and shook them. But nothing fell to the ground.

Seriously!? Where is it!?

She then looked over to her nightstand and felt completely stupid. Kara's phone was sitting right in plain sight.

...WHAT THE FUCK!!?! I must have moved it when I woke up...

Kara huffed and threw her blankets back onto her bed, feeling stupid as hell. She walks over to her closet and pulls out a pair of black sweats and an oversized tee. Kara then makes her way to the bathroom to shower off today's stress from work. She brushes through her hair and then walks back into her room, plopping down onto her bed.

After laying there for a few minutes, thinking about the events of her day, Kara sits up and gets ready to turn on her phone.

Are you kidding me? It's dead??

She attaches her phone to her charger and waits for it to power on. After what seems like a decade, she sees her phone logo come up onto the screen. Kara unlocks her phone and immediately scrolls through her apps to find Mystic Messenger then proceeds to click on it, and waits for it to load.

I should have asked Churro about this... She plays the game more than I do.

Once Kara realized the Mystic Messenger app was done loading, she clicked on the icon that said, "Continue Vanderwood's Route." 

Okay... Let's do this.

ROUTE: Vanderwood...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora