Chapter Nine.

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WARNING: This Chapter contains some scenes that may make some readers uncomfortable.


I was sitting on my worn out bed with tattered old blankets, looking out of the dusty window. I shared the room with two other little girls. One was two years older than me, and the other one being one year older.

My stomach growled with hunger; It's been a while since I've eaten. Every time my foster parents came up here to bring us food, they'd leave me to eat up here with Jasmine and Sarah, the other two girls living with me. Jasmine and Sarah would always get to it before me and eat it all before I get the chance. All I've eaten recently was an orange, and that was 3 days ago.

I jolted surprised, as I heard the door creak, meaning someone walked in. I looked away from the window. It was Jasmine, the oldest girl here. I stared past her at the tan walls, I couldn't stand to look into her eyes, and seconds later Sarah walked in behind her shutting the door.

"You said you need to tell us about something..." Jasmine said with an attitude, putting her hand on her hip. Sarah And Jasmine were the only friends I had, I figured that I would be able to tell them the truth of what was happening... Maybe it was happening to them too...

"Well spit it out!" Sarah hissed. " Well... You know you can trust us... " she then added, flipping her hair back, and smiling sweetly.

At that moment I couldn't hold my emotion in. I told them everything as tears built from all of the memories flooding in. Especially the first time it happened.


I was sitting in the room, the other girls were staying at friends houses. Jasmine and Sarah actually had friends, unlike me. I was startled when one of my foster parents walked into the room. I never liked the vibes I got from him... He was just kind of creepy... If that's the right way to put it.

He seemed to have locked to door behind him after shutting the door, which just made me very uncomfortable.

He slowly creeped over to me until he was standing right next to me, leaning over me as if he was a skyscraper.

Chills went down my spine as I heard the words that came out of his mouth.



I snapped back into focus as I heard Jasmine and Sarah burst into laughter.

"Really!? What an ATTENTION seeker!!" Jasmine blurted out between her high pitched, witch like laughter. My face flushed with embarrassment. I couldn't believe they were acting as if I was joking.

" Y-you think we would believe you!? " Sarah said wheezing. "He wouldn't do THAT!! And if he did he wouldn't do it to you! You're as UGLY as a BLOB FISH!" Sarah added.

"Sarah what do we do to liars?" Jasmine said wiping tears from her eyes from laughing to hard.

"We teach them a lesson..." Sarah chirped giving Jasmine a high five. She smirked as they slowly walked up to me with there evil grin. It seemed like the room was shrinking, like it was going to close in on me.

I sprinted from in between them and ran out the door down the hallway. I needed to leave. I knew something bad was going to happen... Well besides being beat up into a pulp by Jasmine and Sarah.

I ran outside the front door and ignored Jasmine and Sarah yelling threats. I got as far as our drive way before I slipped in mud. I tried so hard to get up but the mud was way to slick. It was too late when Jasmine and Sarah caught up.

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