Chapter Ten.

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 Vanderwood took the kettle off of the stove, and poured himself a glass of tea. He was quite surprised to find this in the back of Seven's kitchen cabinet. Seven obviously wasn't home right know because if he were then Vanderwood would probably be dead, and Vanderwood knew that himself. 

He was reading the messages in the chatroom as Kara was typing them, and he didn't understand why Seven hasn't exploded about it yet. Actually, he hasn't seen Seven in almost a week, not that he attempted to stop by or call. 

Other than thinking about Seven and his mysterious behavior, Vanderwood couldn't get Kara out of his head, yet again. He also hadn't heard from her in a few days and it bothered him. Although still confused, he can identify some of the emotions that he was feeling; emotions that were all too familiar. Hurt. Guilt. Pain. 

Maybe I was a little too harsh towards her. 

But, she didn't even think I was real. 

Kara just said what she thought I wanted to hear...I think.

Vanderwood could feel his head spinning. He's shut off his emotion for so long. Now that he's letting himself feel something again, Vanderwood can't process or begin to understand what it all means.


6 years ago...

" I'm fine, Mom. You don't have to worry. I'll send you a check next week. I have to go now. Love you," Vanderwood whispered as he hung up the phone as he heard another knock on his door.

He walked to the door and cracked it, "What is it?"

"The boss would like to see you," replied a man that Vanderwood has never seen before.

Vanderwood steps out of his room and follows the man down the long hallway. After what seems about 20 minutes of walking through the building, they stop in front of a huge door. The man knocks on the door twice, letting the people on the inside know that he is there.

"Go ahead," says the man in a monotone voice.

Vanderwood hesitates for a moments and then walks forward to open the door. He pushes on the door and it opens with a creaking noise. Stepping inside, he sees the familiar blonde-haired woman, who brought him to the intelligence agency to begin with. This blonde woman, who he doesn't know the name of, is his boss; the person who runs this agency. Her green eyes hold a sinful and nefarious glare as she looked out of the window. After meeting this woman, he soon came to realize that she can deceive anyone if there's something for her to gain. And in this case, it's another person to do the dirty work. 

The only reason Vanderwood agreed to work for her is to take his family out of poverty. He know's he shouldn't contact them because of dangers that another agency mind harm them, Vanderwood can't stay away from his mom and brother. He tries to call everyday and makes sure that the call can't be traced.

Vanderwood is taken out of his thoughts when the woman turns around. 

" This is Saeyoung. Show him around and take him through the process. You are in charge of him. His file that includes his room number and tasks are on the desk,"  the blonde-haired woman says without a hint of emotion in her voice. She then turns back around to stare out of the window with the same look in her eyes. Walking cautiously up to the desk, he grabs the file.

Vanderwood looks towards the other side of the room. There he sees a red-haired boy who couldn't be more than a couple years younger than him. Vanderwood couldn't help but wonder how he got himself here. Saeyoung looks at Vanderwood and then walks towards him.

Just when they were about to walk out the door, the woman opens her mouth and says one last thing, " And Ryuk, make sure he gets rid of that name and gets a proper one." 

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