12) She was ruined.

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Chart papers, markers, pencils, scales etc were disbanded everywhere on the mahogany table in the study room with her head hovered over it, forehead creased in contemplation, eyes reduced to slits and hands running restlessly on a piece of chart paper, crafting different designs. This was the tenth time she tore the paper and threw it in the bin with a growl.

Six semesters had passed in a jiffy. Like every other semester she had decided to study from the start but let's just laugh together at this. And now here she was in the middle of her seventh semester, busy in doing preparations for the farewell. She was cursing the time she offered to be a compere.

These last few years had been a mix of everything in a nutshell. For example the new album of coldplay had finally been released and Tahir Shah had signed up for a new song called "Ear to Ear".

After her conversation with Ahid's mother in Islamabad, she had agreed on her nikkah being held out this year, by the end of eighth semester. Umer had already stared working in his father's firm and both the families had come to a consensus to do the rukhsati exactly after one year of their nikkah so that Ayat could have the time to pursue her career and become independent like she wanted.

Preparations were in mediocre swing, if not full. Cards had already been printed and sent out to the guests. Half of the shopping was also done. She had crafted out the design for her dress which was now in making.

Huda and Adam had been blessed with a beautiful and healthy baby girl, Inaya. They had visited them two months back and for one and a half year old, Inaya had gotten really attached to Ayat in a span of one week.

Irha had gotten a scholar ship from the university of Yale but turned it down as she didn't want to leave her parents alone.

As for Ahid, she had tried putting the pieces of his life together but nothing made sense to her at all so eventually she gave up.

The weight of whatever mystery he had smothered inside himself would always increase tenfold in her presence and only she could feel it.

At first it was really awkward seeing him in the university after their encounter in Islamabad but life had to go on so they settled their peace with acting like it never happened. Every time she would catch him stealing glances at her, he would shift his gaze suddenly as if Ayat was his mother and he was a child caught with his hands in a candy jar.

"Need any help?," Sara asked as she sat across from her.

She looked up and her eyes brightened up on seeing her friend. "Yes please!"

"Ohh!," she pouted.


"I was just being formal you know."

She shook her head with a chuckle. "Well I'm not so HELP ME."

Sara pushed the sleeves of her cardigan up and asked about her task.

"You make the souvenirs. I'll deal with the speech and then I have to go for the rehearsal of the play as well."

"Okay, buddy."


She had just pressed the clothes and after practicing her speech for one last time, jumped on her bed and dialed Irha's number. The room was bathing in darkness on account of dark blue curtains drawn close together with a wedge of moonlight peeking through and casting her shadow on the opposite wall.

After exchanging greetings, Irha asked her about the next day's preparations.

"Everything's set?"

Ayat heaved a deep sigh before replying which didn't go unnoticed by her, "Yeah! Everything's ready."

"Then why do I feel like you're not excited. Is everything okay?"

Holding on and Letting go [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now