DAY 12: Pain

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She knelt down close to the stone, feeling it with her fingers, and unable to accept the reality that she was now living.

Her heart ached with guilt and regret. Everywhere she turned had traces of him, all the good memories they shared now sour.

She cursed herself for neglecting him; caught up in a life she was trying to build. But what worth was that life now without him? Her world felt so dark and empty, and the silence was deafening.

She couldn't hear him, see him, or touch him. Not anymore. He was never coming back.

She unfolded the letter she had received a few days ago.

"Dear Sarah, I tried reaching out, but I didn't get the chance, so I decided to leave you this letter, because I doubt that I'll survive this illness. I feel so bad it had to end this way, but such is life, and you're the best thing that ever happened to me. Please be safe. Goodbye... Love Matt."

Tears clouded her sight, a pain she couldn't bear, she didn't even get the chance, to say a proper goodbye...

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