DAY 23: Never Forget

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I recall the happy and sad moments, experienced and shared together as a family.

I recall the days of my childhood, when all I anticipated, was seeing my playmates at dawn, for more fun and games.

I recall our friendship, how you took me in, and made me feel like a person, when everyone else thought I was a freak. Your sacrifices, the good and bad times, the tears we shed on the day we hugged goodbye, with the hope to meet again.

I recall those moments of our lengthy chats, packed with so much laughter.

I recall all the fun adventures we had together, even though now, we don't talk anymore.

I recall all of your support and encouragement, to get me back on my feet.

I recall your words, "I'm here for you," at the time of my distress. Despite your problems, you made it your concern that I was okay.

These are memories to cherish, memories I'll never forget.

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