DAY 22: Frienemy

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You hurt me
You heal me
You're like a rose flower
You serve me petals
You serve me thorns
And so I ask
Are you an enemy, or a friend?

You wish me goodluck
Yet you're envious of my success
You say you're sorry
Yet you do the worse
And so I ask you again
Are you an enemy, or a friend?

You make me happy
You make me cry
You said you'd stay
Yet you're saying goodbye
So please tell me
Are you an enemy, or a friend?

My mind is messed up
I want to give up
But the good memories
Convincing me to stay
I'm stuck in the middle
And so I just want to know
Are you an enemy, or a friend?

I guess you're not an enemy
And you're not a friend
You're just a frienemy
But I hope that someday
You'll make a choice
Not an enemy, but a friend.

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