DAY 18: Daydreams

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After many years of hardship, Ada was finally living the life of her dream. She had worked so hard and it paid off. She could now afford all that she'd ever wanted; a trip, spa treatment and whatnot.

Ada arrived home in her Toyota Corolla after a long hectic day of attending events and loads of appointments. She majestically walked into her beautiful house, feeling proud of how much she'd achieved.

She took a warm bath, relieving the day's stress, and then she fell on her king-size bed, prepared for a soothing dream.




Ada jerked with a small fright, the harmattan morning cold pinching deep into her skin as she acknowledged her environment; kids in tattered clothes playing around with tires, and the horrible smell from the gutter, close to the little space where she made her living, was too much to endure.

"How much for your Akara?"

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