DAY 15: Welcome Home

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After months of being in the hospital, Margret was finally discharged. She had survived breast cancer.

Her loving husband was there to receive her with open arms. It was all they ever hoped for, and life was good enough to give them a second chance.

"Where is everyone?" she asked him, a little worry in her tone, having a thought that her family had given up on her.

"Everyone is fine, honey, and they all can't wait to see you."

She felt relieved by that, and he gently pushed her in her wheelchair out of the hospital, taking her home.

The dark room turned bright the moment they came in.

"Surprise!" everyone cheered.

Margret couldn't contain the happiness she felt, seeing all her loved ones again, and colleagues from work who were there to welcome her.

The colorful room filled with balloons, glitters, and posters on the walls with heartfelt write-ups on them, gave Margret an awareness of a vibrant new life.

Her eldest son approached her with a cake that had the words welcome home written boldly on it. He bent down to her level.

"Welcome home, mom." His vision blurred with tears. No words could describe what Margret felt at that point.

She embraced him passionately, after leaving a kiss on his head. Everyone had their turn to give Margret a welcome hug. It was all smiles, laughter, and tears of joy.

Happiness was an understatement for Margret. She was going to sleep in her comfy bed again, and not having to endure the smell of drugs in the hospital, seeing people lose their loved ones and having the fear that someday she'll be the next; the bitter feeling of leaving her family for good.

Her nightmares were finally over, life had given her the biggest opportunity, and she was filled with so much gratitude.

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