DAY 20: Stars

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They stood at their backyard, enjoying each other's company, and the cool breeze of the night.

She pointed at the brightest star. "That's the star that led the three wise men to Christ." And to the clustered stars. "That's the rosary." And then she pointed at three stars that were lined up. "And those stars represents the three wise men."

He gazed at her affectionately, not paying much attention to what she was saying, even though he thought she was being really cute.

"Are you even listening?" She nudged him slightly, and he chuckled.

"It's a myth, they're just stars, there's nothing more to it."

"But they only appear in the month of December, the season of Christmas," she continued with her rambling, but all he could hear was the sight of her, because to him, she was his star.

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