the little green vase pt. 5

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If the stars have one thing I'm jealous of, it's freedom.

    They may have a considerable distance between them, but so much less regret. It's mesmerizing, looking at a sky filled with possibilities. Ones that I have longed for, ones I've yet to discover. It's home to infinite potential, all interconnected.

    It's as lonely as you once claimed it would be, but not the same.

    "I want to just watch the stars one day."

    I took your idea to heart and looked up at the sky as I processed. It was raining again, water rushing across my skin, letting the black paint fall down my face. Black tears. Full of nothing and everything, it left me feeling numb inside.

    Maybe it was with this numbness that I could restart.

    Even with such an idea, I'm aware of how incredibly unlikely that is.

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