the frame pt. 4

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The house is lonesome.

    I suppose I did this to myself, I wonder where they escaped to?

    Inevitably, I had driven myself away along with them. I sat at the bland table in the dining room, fiddling with empty plates and silverware. Maye had stopped by momentarily earlier in the day, chocolates in hand. My surprise was the fact that they were brown. It was the first color I had seen outside of my walled interior.

    I took the packaging carefully.

    Maye shook her head. "Please know what you're doing here."

    Maybe I didn't know, but when did I ever know anymore? What was the point, if there was no spear to poke the bear with? Just me, pent up in a white house with a dead personality. What good was that to anyone?

    This was my era of worthlessness. I drowned over and over again, unable to die but unable to live. I was simply existing, as one does. How I longed to breathe, but one wish is far too powerful for the universe to handle already.

    "Mija," I smiled, her voice playing in my ears. "Te amo."

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