the paint store pt. 1

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 I should have known that loneliness would inevitably catch up with me. The white was gorgeous but unnatural. I craved something different but had no idea what that would be. Maybe that's what led me to the paint aisle, maybe that is what influenced the next few steps I would take.

The first color I picked went towards the hydrangeas outside of the tree. A lilac purple went home with me, tucked under my coat so prying eyes would not be aware of how strange this situation was. With a handful of paintbrushes, I began to get to work painting the flowers, careful with each detail.

She had hydrangeas in her own personality. The depth to which she used to exist was mesmerizing, even to someone as naive as myself. I call myself naive because of everything, and everything was simply there. It was not because you exist, or because she doesn't. It simply became, that is the only way to put it. The hydrangeas took several weeks to finish, exuding most of my strength to repair them. Perhaps the importance of painting them first was to understand her, to understand what I hadn't seen. It wasn't as lonely as I had predicted it would be, she sat with me under the tree each day and told me of the color purple.

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