Chapter 7

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Narrator: Brianna Karlo

Chapter 7

Amaya was the only other person at the lunch table. She was playing with her pet Yakidroga. As I sat down, she attempted to feed him some cabbage.

"Yakidroga," she said, "eat your cabbage."

"Yaki!" the creature hissed.

She tried shoving the food down the Etherious' throat. She stopped when I sat down and grinned.

"Hey Brianna, what's up?" she asked acting as if nothing happened.

"Just looking for a seat," I told her.

I sat down and pretty soon I heard angry footsteps. It turned out to be Helena Alexandros, Petra's former rival. Her popularity had been tanking as of late. She was probably looking for Petra herself.

"Hello boneheads, Where's Petra?" Helena asked us.

"None of your business," Amaya told her.

"Don't talk back to me you-" Helena began to snarl.

Just then, someone grabbed her by her shirt. It turned out to be Hosanna who gave Helena the evil eye. Helena ran away at the sight of her. To tell the truth, Amaya was unnerved as well.

"I was wondering if you could attend a party at my place?" Hosanna asked.

"Sure,I want plus ones though," Amaya responded

"Sure, see you tonight" Hosanna smiled before giving us the address and leaving.

"Why did you do that?" I asked Amaya.

"Hosanna has a goddess seal in her eyes," she told me.

"What's that?" I asked.

"A sign of being possessed by a goddess" Amaya said pointing to her own pair.

Before I could say anything else, lunch was over.

Tonight was going to be some party...

Petra: A Kingdom By The Sea (Offenders: Petra #3)Where stories live. Discover now