Chapter 28

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Narrator: Norbert Ebersol/Fixer

Chapter 28

The whole plan was falling apart and the blame fell on Giles! That nitwit had ruined everything! When he got back, I would torture him. However, Giles was a masochist and would probably enjoy it.

The plan was too complicated, to begin with. We were supposed to turn Mr. Alexandros' daughter into a human weapon. However, Giles had skipped town. That meant I had to find other ways to control her.

Right now, I was in a meeting with Mr. Alexandros and Dolores Winters. The inspector was coming at any minute. I wondered how long it would take Malty to figure out I had made him do it. She would filet me for what I had done.

Anyway, about fifteen minutes later there was a knock on the door. A tan girl with white-blond hair in a black business suit entered. She also had dog ears, which was weird. Servants were a mixed bag, you never knew which one would be investigating your crimes.

"I'm Caneis," the woman said.

I recognized the name from Malty's past. She was a male mercenary who my boss turned into a dog. Caneis seemed like she wanted to leave soon and this was a good sign.

"Listen up, I'm going to be investigating your facilities over the next few days," Caneis began.

"Don't obstruct evidence or I'll send you to jail at the moment, clear?" she asked us.

We all nodded in agreement.

"Cool, I start tomorrow," she said before exiting.

Later, I met up with Malty and Dolores in my office.

"I can't believe Giles did this!" Malty snarled.

"You're telling me," I lied.

Dolores seemed to see through me though. She had a way of doing that and was extremely mysterious. I would have to be more careful around her. There was also a new member of our group called Scramble to replace Giles.

I hated Scramble a lot due to his gung-ho attitude. He had ferrokinesis as a mutant ability. I would kill him at the first opportunity. For now, I would have to deal... 

Petra: A Kingdom By The Sea (Offenders: Petra #3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora