Chapter 22

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Narrator: Amaya Zeus

Chapter 22

Filo kept her eyes trained on me and I was uncomfortable.

"Could you stop staring at me?!" I asked Filo.

"Why, does it make you squirm?" she responded attempting to sound scary.

"You're not scary, Chickadee," I told Filo.

Fortunately, I had just the thing to satisfy her. I had made an emergency stash of food for problems like this. I summoned a chocolate bar and gave it to Filo. The Filolial munched it down with haste.

"Do you like it?' I asked her.

"It's delicious!" the bird said.

"Master never gives me anything like this" she added after eating.

I had decided my best option was to befriend Filo. Maybe she wouldn't eat me if I was nice. Then, she threw me a curveball.

"Goddess, how do you have a human body?" the bird pondered.

I was backed into a corner. There was nothing I could do but tell the truth. So I explained the whole situation to her. When I finished, Filo got squeamish.

"You're from the future!" the bird grinned.

At that moment, she changed back into a little girl.

"Tell me everything, are there flying carriages?!" Filo asked.

At that moment I gave up and began telling her everything...

Petra: A Kingdom By The Sea (Offenders: Petra #3)Where stories live. Discover now