Part 12

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*Deku's pov*

I walk out from recovery girl's office. I see Todoroki, and it almost looks like he was waiting on me. 



He then runs over to me, and... hugged me.

"I'm so glad your okay."

I wasn't sure why but I felt like I was gonna start crying. I thought that Todoroki hated me, that he was disgusted with me. Showing so much emotion towards me moved me in ways I couldn't explain. But knowing that he still cared while at such a low point in my life. I felt... happy. 

Finally I decide to hug him back.

"Midoriya, what happened? Why did you pass out?"

I didn't feel like saying anything. I didn't want to make Todoroki care about me more. It was best if I just didn't tell the truth. I knew from experience that lying was wrong, but it's all I could do.

"I was just overworking myself with everything. It's been so much for me to handle lately."

"I'm sorry if I made you feel that way, I was just confused. I wasn't sure about how I felt..."

"What! Todoroki don't blame yourself for this, it is all my fault."

"But I feel like this is my fault!"

Our embrace didn't last for long. I suddenly heard someone walk behind us.


I quickly let go of Todoroki and look behind me.


"You know, I was actually worried about you for awhile. I wanted to know if you were okay, but it looks like your doing fine without me."

I look back and realized how close me and Todoroki still were. I quickly step away.

"Deku, deep down inside me I wanted to forgive you. I thought it was all I misunderstanding. But now, I knew I was right in hating you."

Uraraka then gets mad, like when we broke up. I start feeling like everything I've done up to now has been for nothing if this was how everything was gonna turn out. I then start to feel hot tears run down my face, as I fall down onto my knees.

"Uraraka it isn't like that at all!"

I was surprised that Todoroki decided to stand up for me. I feel a slight smile on my face, but it quickly goes away.

"Aw, your standing up for each other. How cute."

I hear the sarcasm in her voice, knowing she was lying.

"U-uraraka please your-"

"What, are you gonna say that I'm not understanding you. Now you know how I felt when you didn't give me a valid reason for breaking up with me."

Neither of us say a word. I knew it was true. I knew Todoroki knew it was true.

"Deku I can't understand you. Y-you; your the one who did everything to yourself!"

"Uraraka, that's not true-"

"Todoroki you of all should all people should agree with me!"

Todoroki tried to protest, but Uraraka cut him off.

"I don't care about you guys' relationship, but you can't deny everything. Deku basically got what he deserved. He lied about everything and broke my heart. But then all of a sudden you two get closer. I'm not sure if you see it, but I felt even worse about everything then when Deku broke up with me!"

A single tear falls down Uraraka's face. I feel so much worse about everything. But what made me feel worse is that Todoroki didn't say anything. It was like he agreed that I was a horrible person. 

"Uraraka, I never meant to make things end out like this. I swear that things just aliened like this."

Uraraka face then seemed to turn angry again.

"Things weren't suppose to turn out like this; was I just suppose to be okay with everything. After everything you've done to me. Even though your the one who ruined everything for yourself. Your the one who is over reacting more than me. It's like you never cared about me at all, but that's true isn't it. You never even tried to apologize for anything. It seemed like you were okay with everything, like you were trying to forget everything. This is why nobody likes you, you deserve to feel this way!!!"

Uraraka didn't seem to know she was screaming. But I could barely see her face. I was crying so hard that I could barely see, my vision was so blurry. I stand up wanting to just run away from everything. And that was exactly what I started doing. 


I could tell that Todoroki was chasing after me, but I didn't care. I didn't know where I was running to, but I didn't want to stop. I felt like I just needed to go somewhere. I needed to get away from everything. I couldn't live another day just to live through more hours of stress and pain, but this time was much worse. I made a decision, for once I didn't feel like overthinking it, or regretting my decision. I knew that I needed to disappear. I knew exactly where I was going.

To the roof.

-editors note

(fun fact, I was really debating if I should write this in Todoroki's or Deku's point of view. I used the only logical way to decide. I flipped a fucking coin and said whatever and started typing. If you ever need to make a choice go to google and type in coin flip. Really helps. 👍)

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