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Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance

Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance

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Karma slams her door shut and I turn around to look at Stefano, "What the fuck was that?" I ask him, "I don't know, she's never flipped out that bad before, she wasn't herself" He sighs heavily, My Chemical Romance begins blasting in her room, Stefano's eyes widen and he pushes past me to open her door. "Fuck she locked it" He growls banging on the door, "What's wrong now?" I say while flicking through my master keys to find the key for her door.

"My best guess is she's totalling her room right now" A loud bang against the door only confirms his suspicions, I find the key and hand it to him but he just shakes his head, "She's gotta ride it out," He says defeatedly before walking back down the hall, I glance back at the door before making my way back to the kitchen, maybe I can hurt Kyle enough to get a fucking answer as to why one of my rooms is being smashed to pieces.

Once im back in the kitchen I spot Lukas stitching up Kyle's wound and Gio cleaning the blood off of the tiles, "Wanna explain to me why you just got yourself shot?" I ask calmly while bending down to look into his eyes. "I don't know I've never seen her before" He replies, "You see, I just don't believe you. I think you know each other very well, I don't think anyone would flip out like that over a stranger. Now I'll ask you again and this time I advise you NOT TO FUCKING LIE TO MY FACE. I don't tolerate liars, so, what did you do to get yourself shot?".

He goes to open his mouth but heavy footsteps from behind us stop him in his tracks, Karma storms down the hallway now dressed in the same black skinny jeans, a black hoodie and black doc martins. She pulls a bundle of cash out of her hoodie pocket and shoves it into my chest as she continues over to Kyle. She pulls out a hunting knife from her boot and kneels down to meet Kyle's eyes, she places the tip of the knife under his jaw pushing his head up to meet her gaze, "Karma do-" Stefano starts but I stop him by holding my hand up, I want to see how this goes down.

"I don't know why you're here, fuck I don't know why you're still alive. But if I EVER see you again it won't end with you breathing, an eye for an eye" She says her voice void of emotion as well as her face, an eye for an eye, i wonder what she meant by that. She turns around to face the rest of us and I can't help but be turned on, a leonessa indeed. "For the damage," She says pointing at the money in my hand, I nod my head slightly as she stands up, "I've got work, where are my keys?" She asks looking over to Stefano.

"Front foyer hanging up" She nods her head before walking out the door, a guard passes her a keycard for the garage and elevator and the code she will need to get back in. "Why don't we move this get together to the office, I'm sure we all have questions," I say as the others nod, Gio and Lukas pick Kyle up and drags him to my office, "You okay?" I ask Stefano as we follow them down the hall. "Yeah, I will be. Just forgot how damaged she is" He begins to trail off, that word pissed me off, 'damaged' she was not damaged, she was hurt and she was angry, whatever that bastard did to her must have been bad, and I plan to find out tonight.

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