Hunting in plain sight

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Hunter's pov

Halo was going through the plan but I wasn't listening. If someone said I was going to be going in to be saving my own flesh and blood at the age of 15, I would not be here and be sleeping with a ton of people. I was always sleeping around before Lucy. The one at the time. 

Everything was getting on top of me. Feeling like I'm suffocating without being strangled.

"I need to get out of here" I spoke, bolting from the table.

I ran to the door with Luna and Harrison standing up, confused of what was going on.

"Hunter!" Luna yelled, causing people in The Winchester to stare.

I ran out, looked left and right before running to the left where I could see green. I just need to keep running. People stopped and stared while I ran. Tears stinging my eyes causing me to stop and try to catch my breath before I continued to run to the park, as I was near-by. I ran to the gate and yanked at it to let myself in to run to the pond, that had brown and black ducks, bobbing up and down on the water. I just wanted to jump in and drown myself. I was so close but seconds before I even got the pond, someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me close. I recognized the clothing. Harrison.  He kept me close as I broke down. Howling because of the pain, mental heartbreak and the pain of all of this.

"It's alright. I won't let you go" Harrison spoke.

Luna drove up and she stayed outside of the park to give me and Harrison some space. Harrison shielded me from passing locals as I cried my pain out. Harrison held my head onto his chest and kept me from falling to the ground. 

"Lets find a bench to sit down" He spoke.

He guided me to a free, nearby bench and he still held me. I've had these type of breakdowns before and Lucy would help me through it. Luna had Halo with her and they waited for us. Harrison, who was holding me as a blanket and waited for me to bring myself back to the ground. 

"I can't do this" I cried.

"Yes you can. Don't ever think about doing what you were going to do again" Harrison spoke. 

My crys soon calmed down to a few whimpers. 

My hard man act has now gone but it was fading, no matter what. Harrison messaged Luna to tell her to drive to the flat but Halo had to get back to dealing with Dean before he did anything to Jane. Luna drove Halo away and Harrison stayed with me. He didn't have to. He didn't have to take this job or risk his life to start with. He went into his hoodie pocket and grabbed some tissue to hand me. I took it.

"Thanks" I spoke.

"No need. I've seen people like this. I've been in the same position as you before. Nearly jumped off the bridge before Halo stopped me" Harrison spoke,admitting his struggles.

I wiped my eyes and Harrison rubbed my arm, it was soothing and I like it.Am I falling for this guy? I hope not. It's still early days and I need to focus on getting Jane back. Back to me.

"I've been like this before. Almost accomplished it at the age of 16" I spoke, being truthful of my past.

"Let's get you back to the flat. You need sleep. I'll stay and tell Luna to go home for a break until morning" Harrison spoke.

"But what about...."I started speak.

Harrison stopped me.

"Halo will keep me informed just in case we need to do anything but all of this and jet lag would really mess with you" Harrison spoke.

He stood up first and held his hands out for me to take. I put my smallish hands in his large hands before he helped me up slowly. He put his arm around my shoulders and left the park, unknown that someone was watching watching us in the distance. Someone that was in the London Tridants. 

Harrison kept me close and every step that we took, I felt tired and something wasn't right. 

"What's wrong?" Harrison asked, feeling my body language was off.

"We need to cross to the other side" I spoke, seeing someone that I kind of recognized.

Harrison helped me across the road, minding the cars that were stuck in traffic and we hurried through to mask ourselfs within the growing crowd. 

We arrived at the flat after half an hour of playing hide and seek by a London Trident and Harrison could sense that I could not walk anymore. He stopped and picked me up to take me up the concrete steps, which have been cleaned up. Luna looked through the peep hole and opened the door to let me and Harrison in. Harrison laided me on the leather couch and placed a blanket over me.

"Luna, I'm going to stay here to keep Hunter company. If anything comes up, just text me" Harrison told Luna.

She nodded before I slowly drifted off to sleep as Harrison closed the door when Luna left to go home. Harrison went into the kitchen and helped himself to the whiskey, that has now chilled in the fridge for overnight. He walked in and sat in the leather arm chair to drink. 

What is happening to me? This is hurting my brain. 

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