Hunter is breaking

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Hunter's pov


Blood trail.....

Yells from in a thick London accent....

"Hunter? Hunter, wake up" A voice spoke.

I opened my eyes, sitting up, to be pressed into a pair of random arms and that brought me back to reality. I felt breathless, feeling like I ran a marathon and then been swimming. I looked up to have Harrison, who was wrapping his arms as a weighted blanket and being a massive tree. 

"I've got you" He simply spoke.

I finally got my breath back to a steady pace and Harrison smoothed my hair down from being mistaken as a hedgehog.

"Want to talk about it?" Harrison asked, not wanting to be to intrusive.

"I need a drink before I can tell you. It's a long story" I spoke.  

Harrison let me out of his spiders grip and went into the kitchen that was lit with some candles.

Power must have gone out.

Slowly sitting up, I placed the blanket over my legs as Harrison came back with a clean whiskey glass and the rest of the whiskey that was meant to be for when we finished the case. Pouring a thimble full of the sweet liquor, he passed over the glass and I took it to take quick swig of the smooth, sweet whiskey. Harrison grabbed his glass to replenish his glass.

"Tell me. I gather that you've been having these type of dreams for a while" Harrison asked, sitting next to me in a cross legged yoga pose.

"There have been the same type of dream. Screaming, yelling, gunfire. I can still smell the blood. It gets stronger. I can still feel it on my hands, clothes. The last thing I remembered is Jane being taken and her crys still ring in my ears. Every time I close my eyes, that night still plays out. I hardly sleep and when I do, it hurts" I spoke, taking another drink.

Harrison sat there with a shocked look on his face, like I just downed a whole bottle of Vodka without gagging.

"The dreams. I want them to stop. They need to stop. Make them stop" I spoke, eyes filling up with hot, steaming tears. 

Harrison removed my glass and placed both semi empty glasses on the cluttered coffee table to get his arms and wrapped them around me. I started to give out small crys before erupting into huge sobs of mental pain. Two breakdowns in one day? I need to pull myself together. For Jane. Harrison stroked my hair as he felt my body buckled from each sob that left my heart. He started to sway me, as I tried to take deep breaths, and that got a rhythm in my mind. 

"It's OK. I'm here" Harrison spoke.

"You don't have to stay" I spoke, wiping my eyes.

"Listen. I'm going to stay. Just until we can get our hands on Jane and bring down that gang. Once and for all"  Harrison spoke.

My crys slowly went away and we stayed in that position, Harrison holding me close to his chest and slowly moved the blanket over the both of us to make a burrito. He rubbed my arm in gently circular motions. 

"What about clothes? You might not fit in anything that's here" I asked, confused on this whole arrangement.

"Some of the shirts should fit but Luna will bring some over in the morning" Harrison spoke, letting his voice fill the flat. 

I started to curl up into his chest and he held me before something happened. Harrison, the man that acted cold when he left last night, started to play with my hands. In a more loving way.

"Please don't leave"  My first boyfriend spoke.

"I have to" I spoke, grabbing everything I had.

I stood up quickly.

"I'm going to go for a shower" I spoke, trying to think of an reason to have a breather.

"OK. I'll make something to eat for us both" Harrison spoke, trying to get up from leather heat trap.

Quickly walking to the bathroom, I closed the door and locked myself in. I moved swiftly away, reversing into the sink and tried to take deep breaths to hide my thoughts. I turned the shower on and let the water run as I looked into the mirror to examine my red, raised, broken face. I put my hand to the mirror and stared at myself.

"Not yet. I need to get Jane first" I spoke softly.

After stripping out of my tear stained and slept in clothes, I hopped in to the lava hot shower and let it run down my skin to instant relaxing my muscles. I thought about what I needed to think about I have to do. First, get Jane back. Secondary, get revenge for Lucy and then think about being in a relationship. 

"Hunter? Are you nearly done?" Harrison asked.

"Almost" I yelled to him over the hot water.

His footsteps left the doorway as I turned the shower off, letting it hibernate for a brief moment. Grabbing a towel, I wrapped it around my waist and picked all off the dirty clothes before leaving the steam filled bathroom. Harrison walked out and saw me, bared chest and only wearing a towel. His mouth dropped when he saw me.

"Like what you see?" I smirked.

He started mumbling and was getting flustered before I walked into the bathroom. Looking through the drawers, I pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, something baggy and not skin tight. I slowly pulled them on when Harrison knocked on the door, leaving hard tones in the air. 

"Come in Harri" I called, putting the wet and used clothing in the washing basket that was in the corner of the room.

Harrison opened the door, letting small squeaks from its hinges, and entered looking less flustered. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, confused.

"Nothings wrong. Just making sure that you are OK" He spoke.

This is getting so wired but he reminds me of someone.

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