Hunter is falling

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Hunter's pov

The sun settled over my second day of being in London, leaving a slight chill in the air. Harrison made some steak and salad as I came out of the bedroom, still a bit shaken up but getting back to normal. 

"How do you like your steak?" Harrison asked.

"Cremated" I spoke, wanting to eat something that was not made in the microwave.

He nodded and placed two large steaks in the grill. I grabbed the glasses and walked into the kitchen to put them in the sink. I leaned on the granite sides and watched Harrison as he flipped the meat over. 

"I still don't know anything about you" I blurted out.

Harrison looked over at me, holding the meat prong in his left hand. 

"Well, first of all. I am gay. Second, I never wanted to be in this profession. I've always wanted to be a cook. Also, I'm single. Have been since the age of 15. Since I've arrived in the UK after splitting up with someone. The last thing I know about him is that he settled down and lives the quiet life. I hope so" Harrison spoke, checking the meat.

Oh shit. My thoughts were right. I went out with him when I was 16.

"I'm sorry. I hope you find someone that won't be dick or leave you" I spoke.

"Don't be. It was mutual break up and I hope to get in contact with them again. Maybe after this case I might get in touch" He spoke.

He put the meat on two plates while I went to one of the shelf's to pull out two salad bowls. Placing them on the kitchen island, Harrison placed his salad on his plate as I placed my salad in the bowl. Harrison looked at my action and smiled at it. I looked at him and smiled.

"What?" I smiled.

"My ex did the same thing of separating hot and cold foods. Its a cute thing to do" Harrison smiled.

I gave out a very light and very faint laugh. I didn't think that it was cute. It's something I've always done. Lucy didn't think it was cute, just annoying. Half of our relationship was her trying to change me. And the other half is her just being so controlling. She made me second guess myself half of the time and it hurt. She was the one that controlled my life and who I was to talk to.

Still, she may have been my wife but she was a bitch.

After a couple of moments of silence, Harrison went to the unopened shelf and pulled out a bottle of red wine. My favorite kind of wine. White wine is to sweet to taste. He got two tall wine glasses and poured the sweet red into them both. He passed the glass over and I had to look at the bottle to see the label. 

"This is my favorite wine" I spoke.

"Mine to. I brought it earlier for you when we've done with this case but you really need it. Also, it goes well with steak" Harrison smiled.  

We clinked glasses before we had a sip of red and ate our steak. I hated radishes so I picked them out and Harrison watched me.

"That's adorable" He smiled.

I looked at him and smiled. The meal went slowly and we got through the whole bottle of wine before we sat on the sofa to giggle like school kids at something that seems stupid. The lights turned on slowly as the sky turned into dark blue table cloth. 

"Tell me about you. Handsome man who was part of the mafia must have things that I might not know" He smiled, words slurring slightly.

"I'm bi and really thought I found the one before Lucy. He was so sweet and not a bitch. Lucy on the other hand, she was so controlling. She even controlled my life. But she was my wife so I must have loved her at one point. Jane is the one thing that has kept me from leaping from the nearest building. I was so close of leaving this life before all of this. I always wanted to be writer. To be a someone but that wasn't going to pay the bills. Lucy told me to stop living that dream" I slurred.

Harrison moved my gaze to his face before we slowly started to lean in to have a tender moment. Our lips connected for the first time in years and it still tasted the same. That sweet taste of home. Harrison pulled back as we tried to catch our breath. He's always took my breath away.

"Wow" Harrison smiled, slightly sober.

"You can say that again" I smiled.

We leaned in and kissed again. Harrison deepened the kiss and I climbed onto Harrison's lap to kiss him further. He slowly pulled away as he looked at my face and his eyes widened. 

"Your lips. It's you" He spoke.


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