Hunter's plan

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Hunter's pov

Harrison went to sleep after having a few restless moments before he could peacefully fall to sleep. I tried to but it was hard due to the steady of stream of nurses and doctors walking in, checking my burns, cuts and stitches, having to move Harrison sometimes to check on my breathing. A nurse placed plastic tubes into my nostrils and turned the oxygen up which help with my breathing and blood circulation. 

"We'll release you in the morning but only if you can walk 10 steps because of your wounds and where some of the stitches were" The nurse spoke.

I nodded, oxygen tubes moving against my scratchy hospital gown, and she left me and Harrison alone as he slowly began to wake up from his slumber. His eyes trailed up to my face as I looked at my hands, that was covered in pink grazes and blue bruises. He moved his dry, pink skin into my arm which made me come out of my train of thought and looked at him with a soft smile.

"Hey sleeping beauty" I smiled softly.

"Hey prince charming" He smiled.

He leaned up, stretching to reach my lips. I smiled against his red, pinkish lips and he gave me a soft smile before he placed his head on my shoulder. 

"I still remember when you had to stand on you tip toes just to kiss me" Harrison smiled brightly.

"Just before my growth spurt" I smiled.

I remember that day. We were on the beach in November and watched the waves come towards us when we had our first kiss. That was the only time everything was stable and not confusing or horrible. 

"Never thought that we'll be in this position. You in the hospital and me holding you, not wanting to let you go again" He spoke softly.

"But we're together. Didn't think I would ever see you again" I spoke into his hair, letting it settle on my stubbed skin.

"That's the thing. What are we? Are we back together or what?" He spoke, his baby blue eyes gazing up at me.

"Will you be my partner in crime as well as my boyfriend?" I smiled at him.

He gave out a grin before he reached up to kiss my lips.

"Of course you dork" He smiled.

"Now, I'm your dork" I giggled softly.

He smiled and placed his face in my neck before he left small love bites on my pale skin. I let out a small giggle before wincing in pain from pulling stitches. I closed my eyes quickly, letting the pain ease down, and Harrison stroked my hair, which soothed me. I slowly eased back into the bed and slowly prized my eyes open.Harrison smiled brightly at me and held me against his muscular body. 

"We'll take them down. All of them" Harrison spoke.

"Spare them no mercy" I spoke into his smooth grey, still spotted with blood shirt.

He kissed my head as I closed my eyes to bask into the arms of the person that I once lost because of one bitch that I married. Harrison took hold of my hand to see the small tan line of where my wedding ring use to sit. 

"Did they take the ring or did the nurse cut it off just in case your hands started to swell?" He spoke softly, playing with my hands.

"While Lucy was ordering the goons around, I only had the strength to get the ring off and place it in my pocket before they burned me" I spoke.

Harrison slowly sat up on the bed and reached over the the dried hoodie that still had been dried into a bundle of blood rags to look through the pockets to pull out the blood gold ring, dried blood smell lingered in the air. He turned to me before he went over the clean hospital sink and cleaned it up to being shiny and brand new. He came back over to sit down on the bright blue blanket and took my hand, that still had small specks of dirt and blood. The nurse came in to draw the light brown blinds that look like that they have been there for centuries. She walked over and checked my oxygen levels.

"Doing much better. How are you feeling Mr Trove?" She asked, grabbing my clipboard.

"Tired but overall not to bad. Is the stitches meant to sting when I move or breath?" I asked, a bit concerned.

"It will until the skin starts to heal but after that, it should just be uncomfortable until they get taken out which is usually around two weeks or three weeks, but that's if they are good enough to be taken out" She explained, writing down notes and new information.

She placed my clipboard back and left the room, letting me and Harrison be alone to be able to get some sleep. He eased his shoes off and climbed in next to me to wrap his arms around my waist to hold me. My head landed into his chest and he started to hum the Pokemon theme song which I went slowly to sleep to the sound of his voice and the sound of his heartbeat.

Soon, they will be gone.

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