Bring the raid tonight

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Hunter's pov

After washing the grim of surgery and the smell of smoke, I took a long, hard look at myself in the mirror that was covered in condensation, and stared at my body that was now damaged to hell. The stitches that was pocking out of my skin but now has been cleaned from blood. Burns have started to heal and bruises have only just started to fade, showing more purple and dark blue along with small parts that was coming though with yellow. The natural sun light started to fade slightly as I pulled on the new, clean clothes before placing the old,worn clothes into a light brown wicker basket. I left the steam bathroom, my sock cladded feet showing me to way into the bedroom, where Harrison was folding clothes that Halo must have picked up from one of the local villages.

"Halo is calling a meeting for later tonight. He would have called it an hour ago but you were in the shower" Harrison spoke, moving his gaze over to me.

I nodded, moving my long, dark brown hair from my face to place behind my ear. I walked over and looked through a random drawer to find black hair ties scattered at the bottom of the old furniture. I pick one out and closed the small door. I pulled my hair into a low ponytail and Harrison smiled at me. I glanced over and gave out a small smile to him.

"You really need a hair cut but it does make you look bad ass" Harrison smiled. 

"Keep it in your pants. Just until we've done this raid" I smiled before giving him a quick wink.

He gave out a small laugh and Jane woke up from her nap. She looked around the place as I walked over to her before smiling at her. She gave out a strong smile as I picked her up and held her to my chest. I kissed her head, light brown hair started to show but some parts were blond,they same type of hair that I had growing up. Harrison placed the clothes into a wardrobe and looked over at us, not wanting to speak, not wanting to break the silence. 

But someone else had other plans.

"Food's ready lovebirds" Luna yelled.

That made Jane upset due to Luna's raised voice and I rocked her to keep her calm. Harrison left the room and gave Luna a 'you woke up a baby' look. Jane calmed down and held onto my clothes as a way of her not wanting to be pulled away from me. I held her close as we left to room and Harrison turned to see us. We all went down to the bottom floor and walked towards the open Victorian kitchen. Luna placed the plates on the grey granite island as Halo brought out, from the old agar oven, a range of pizza and finger food. Luna placed the pizza on the plates while Halo placed the other set of food in deep blue bowls. I sat down on the sanded down stool and moved Jane more onto the chest of my chest as Harrison got glasses down to fill them up with clear water. 

They sat down and we started eating.

"We need to bring the raid on tonight" Halo spoke.

"Wait. What? Why tonight?" Harrison asked.

"They won't know what's hit them. I've talked to my department and they are traveling here. They had to get out of London because of the fire. They did give me some insight that the fires and attacks have calmed down so we can go back for the raid. Another member is coming to protect Jane, who is also my wife. She will take good care of her" Halo spoke.

"But you haven't answered my question. Why tonight?" Harrison spoke.

"They have started to make plans. We do have another informant in their group. You might be shocked of who it is, Hunter" Halo spoke.

"Who is it?" I asked, getting concerned.

"It's Trancy" Halo spoke.

My eye's widened at that name.

"Trancy. He was the one that caused all of this pain and all of these scars.....I think" I spoke, taken back that Trancy was actually helping us and wasn't against us.

"He did say that he didn't want to do any of that to you but he needed to act that he was on Dean's side. He will be meeting us at the site as he told us that they would be there moving stuff" Halo spoke.

"I'll trust him if I can punch him in the face" I spoke.

"OK" Halo spoke, knowing that I would do it.

"So Hunter can punch Trancy but I can't kill Lucy" Luna spoke.

Jane went back to sleep before we had to start thinking of getting ready for the raid but we had make sure everyone was in the house to brief on what we need to do, who's going where and the signal that we need to go on to start the raid.

It's punishment time.

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