Hunter is home

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Hunter's pov.


Distance talking.

Movement of tables.

Harrison's body movement.

I opened my eyes, seeing a small group of young nurses checking and placing stuff on the grey table as Harrison was sat down on the blue chair before he saw me waking up. He got up and put his hand in my hair to smooth it down. I smiled sleepily at him.

"Morning sleepy head" Harrison smiled brightly.

"Morning. What time is it?" I asked, sleepy smile on my face.

"8:30. The nurses came in to help you get walking" Harrison spoke, kissing my head gently.

One of the nurse's, who was wearing a simple blue uniform, walked over in three strides to check my oxygen levels. 

"We can take the tubes out now and we'll slowly help you to sit up. OK?" She smiled softly, writing down my progress.

I nodded as she put on gloves and took the tubes out to put them in a blue see-through bag to be disposed of. A couple of nurses came over and helped me sit up while Harrison was stood by the chair. One had her arms under my armpits and the other was moving my legs to the side of the bed. The moment I sat up, still aided, I looked through the window that looked into my smallish room to see Halo, Luna and a semi awake Jane when the nurse slowly took her arms from under my armpits. I stayed up, strong enough to sit up.

"Doing good" The nurse smiled.

"I have something to work towards and to get better" I smiled softly, looking at Harrison before Jane. 

The nurses slowly helped me stand on the cold,laminate floor, the coldness went though the socks that was the only thing that was not fully covered in blood or dirt. The nurse's helped me walk 5 steps before they let go to let me take my time to make the last 5 steps. I slowly made my way to Harrison and I fell into his arms. He held me up and kissed all around my face.

"We'll keep you in for a couple more hours for you to get use to walking again since the stitches would make it a little hard and you did have torso surgery so you will need to be very careful them" The nurse spoke.

I nodded, head planted into Harrison's chest and he held me as we stood. The group of nurses left the room as Harrison sat me down in the chair and Luna came in with Halo and Jane, who was looking around the unknown place. He came over and placed my daughter in my much stronger arms. I smiled at her before she started to give out the starting's of a smile.

"Dean is now on the war path. In the past, he did come after people that did this before. He would go after them, through the streets, with a flamethrower. None of my department would even throw the book at him, not even the whole library. That's why we might need to do a raid. In 5 days. I'll get some guys involved and we'll get some weapons together" Halo spoke, reaching into his hoodie pocket to pull out his phone.

"No need for me. I have something coming over from LA. Should have arrived yesterday but not sure yet" I spoke, rocking Jane to sleep.

"It came last night along with your bike. Halo took care of them both while I got my car cleaned" Luna spoke.

"Oh fuck. I'm sorry for leaking my life essence everywhere" I spoke, moving Jade more onto the only part that wasn't tender to the touch.

"Don't say sorry. We'll get payment from them, money and their lives" Luna spoke, in a rougher tone.

"No killing. Only as last resort. We need them behind bars and then the state will send them to where they need to be" Halo spoke, tapping a number on his phone.

"Why do you have to ruin my fun?" Luna spoke, turning her head to Halo.

I shook my head, amused by their childish behavior, and turned to check on Jane, who was hiding her face into my shoulder. She still knew that I was her dad even though they took her at a very young age. I rubbed her back before I needed to go to the bathroom.

"Harrison, can you take Jane? Nature call" I spoke.

Harrison picked Jane up from my arms before Luna helped me from the chair. I slowly made my way to the bathroom, without stumbling like I thought I would. I did what I needed to do before I looked at myself in the tall mirror to see that I looked like trash. That's what you would have expected after having fists, gas canister and a wooden baseball bat. Opening the door, I got faster in walking and got to the bed when Luna took off a rucksack that she forgot that she had on. 

I mean, same. 

She opened up the main pocket to pull out a black shirt and sweatpants along with some slide on shoes. I looked over to see Harrison, humming to Jane the theme to Ouran High school Host club which calmed her down. I smiled at them both before I slowly got changed into the clothes that Luna brought. I looked down at the clean stitches, skin slightly dyed with blood. 

"God, I need a shower" I spoke, pulling on the shirt.

I made sure that the static material didn't attach itself to the stitches then pulled on the soft sweatpants as the nurse came in to do her final checks on me. She wrote down my final notes and took out the Iv line that was on my hand before unhooking it from under my shirt.

"I'll go and get the paperwork for you to leave as well as information about how to keep everything clean" She spoke, taking my notes off the clipboard.

I nodded and she disappeared when Harrison passed Jane back to me. She moved on my shirt, trying to find a comfortable spot, as Halo was doing some planning. I rocked Jane as Harrison came over to kiss our heads.

"Why didn't you tell me that I look like trash?" I smiled.

"You don't look like trash. You just gained battle scars" Harrison smiled.

The nurse came back with white and blue papers and placed them on the table. She put them into two different piles. 

"Just sign these papers" She simply spoke. 

I used the pen that she gave me and signed my name on all of the papers before she moved the blue pile in front of me.

"These are just to tell you how to look after your stitches and try not to strain yourself. That includes sex" She spoke.

She took the papers and we got ready to leave. Halo took Jane to get her settled in her car seat and Luna helped me walk slightly. Harrison took my hand and helped lead me out of the door that I came in, nearly dead. The warm London air hit me but it was comforting. Another lease on life an another reason for revenge. They helped me Luna's car and Harrison helped me to get into the backseat with Jane, who was looking at her hands. I smiled at her as Harrison closed the door and got in through the other side. Luna climbed into her drivers seat and Halo looked at his phone.

"Dean's on the war path and now wants to kill me" Halo spoke.

Luna started to drive back. Back to the safest place we know. I sat in the backseat, Jane holding my left ring finger tight as a way of not wanting me to leave. Harrison smiled as she held onto his right ring finger. The streets seemed more busy as we approached the flat. Luna looked around, making sure no one that was in an unknown car that could be part of Dean's group. Luna pulled up to take the back streets and we got to the car park. She turned off the car and got out, Halo followed suit while Harrison got Jane out. I slowly got out and Luna helped me stand as Halo went up to open the flat and Harrison took a sleepy Jane inside. We walked inside to a boiling hot stairwell. It took around 6 minutes to get up the stairs but it was worth it.

We were home. 

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