Hunter is being Fixed

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Hunter's pov



Stitches pulling.

Oxygen tube being pulled from my mouth.

Light oxygen mask placed on my bruised face.

Moving somewhere.

Soft beeps of machines.

Harrison holding my hand and moving my hair away from the butterfly stitches that was settling on my skin.

My eyes slowly opened to have my vision being blurred from being knocked out for an unknown set of time. My gaze automatically went to my right to see Harrison, tired sunken eyes, smiling softly before he got up from the blue, cold chair to sit on the edgy of the bed. I eased the oxygen mask off and gave him a soft, weak smile.

"Told you" I smiled weakly.

He smiled and he leaned over to kiss my lips gently before I gave out a sharp wince from the soft pressure of his lips. He smiled sadly.

"Sorry" He spoke softly.

"I'll be OK. Where's Luna and Halo?" I asked weakly.

"They're outside. Halo brought someone to see you" Harrison smiled softly.

He rose from the bed and went to the door, motioning Halo to the door from the window. He opened the door to have Halo walking in, holding a sleeping Jane in his arms. He slowly walked over and I turned my head to see her, after weeks of not being in my eye line. He laided her in my less harmed arm and I smiled weakly at her as she slowly made herself comfortable.

"Hey princess" I smiled weakly.

"I take it that Dean did this" Halo spoke.

"I saw Lucy there and she gave orders but that was after Dean tied and punched me causing blood to fill my mouth" I spoke weakly, moving my more harmed arm across my body to move the blanket over Jane.

"Wait, Lucy is still alive?" Harrison spoke.

"She admitted to drugging me throughout our relationship and using someone else blood to leave, taking Jane with her, even though she didn't want her" I spoke feeling less weak, watching Jane as she started to move out of her sleep. 

Halo picked her up and rocked her as I was not in the right state to even move. The nurse that was on duty came in and she didn't speak to us as she did the checks and gave me more morphine. She left and Luna came in, carrying drinks that resided from the battered serving machines. She placed the lukewarm liquid on the table and walked over to give me a gentle hug. I winced softly but managed to give her a one armed hug. She pulled back.

"Feeling better?" She smiled.

"Slowly getting there" I smiled softly.

"It looked touch and go in there. They told us you flat-lined twice and that they had to remove your spleen" Halo spoke, rubbing Jane's back. 

I felt useless that I started to pull the blanket back and went to get up. Harrison watched me as I looked around for a jacket before I fell of the bed. That cause alarms to go off while Harrison helped me sit up. Two nurses came running in to help me back into bed.

"Stay in there for a few hours. We don't want your stitches to rip" One of the nurses smiled softly.

They left and I put my head back into the hard pillow to sigh softly. Luna sat on the cold chair while Halo was cleaning Jane up and Harrison moved my shagged hair back to kiss my forehead gently.

"You really need a hair cut" He smiled softly.

"You won't see me in a hairdressers to get rid of this" I smiled softly.

He kissed me gently before Halo came back with Jane. He laided her back in my good arm and she opened her dark brown eyes. Another member of the brown eyed gang. She stared up at me and I smiled brightly at her. She stared at me before she slowly went back to sleep. I kept her so close to me, not wanting her to leave my sight. I have done before but not again. Harrison noticed that I was getting worn out and he started to play with my hair.

"Get some rest. And then, they will pay for what they have done" Harrison spoke softly.

"What about Jane?" I asked, yawning softly.

"Luna and Halo will take her back to the flat and lock themselves in, just in case they come back" Harrison spoke.

Halo picked her up and I kissed her head before they left to get back before Dean or Trancy followed them. Harrison, who took his black, fake leather jacket on the baby blue hospital and climbed into bed, which might be against the hospital rules but that doesn't matter. His head was placed on my good shoulder and I wrapped my good arm over his shoulders. I could feel his hot breath touch my neck.

"They used a flame thrower and it felt horrible" I spoke, breaking the sterile air.

Harrison held me closer to him, not saying anything. I wouldn't judge him. He was in that place before but had less harsh results. It took years for us to be back together again but we still have one thing stopping us.

They need to be broken down. 

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