Rest before raid

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Hunter's pov

Luna helped me walked in the now clean flat, apart from Jane's baby things placed on different surfaces of the flat that Halo managed to get out of his flat before Dean knew what was going on. I limped over the sofa, that had a red blanket on, and sat down for a rest. Harrison came out of the bedroom, after placing Jane down for a nap, and sat down next to me. Halo was making some drinks as Luna was getting some bedding out of an unseen closet.

"How come I've never seen that closet before all of this?" I asked, watching her pull out a bunch of towels to place on the nearest arm chair.

"Because there's always towels in the bathroom" Luna spoke, getting black blankets out.

I put my head back and Harrison checked my burns that was placed on my arm. He reached over to get the forgotten first aid kit to pull out burn cream before placing the white cream on the semi healed burns. Halo came in from the kitchen with four mugs that were filled with a sweet, light brown tea and placed them on the table. Luna placed the blankets on the chair and came over to pick up a mug. Harrison grabbed two mugs as I lifted my head and he passed the cooling down liquid over to me. Luna took one sip and made a distorted face.

"Geezer, Halo. Whiskey in tea? That's disgusting" Luna spoke.

"That was for Harrison" Halo spoke.

Harrison swapped mugs as I slowly took sips of the sweet tea and it wasn't as strong as I thought it would be. Usually it would be overflowing with sugar and that would get make me feel sick. Halo pulled out a plan of the warehouse and placed it on the table. 

"I have some of my department placing cameras around the area but we'll have to move to do two nights of stakeouts before we can do anything" Halo spoke, writing stuff on the plan.

"I'll use my bike to do some damage and possibly do something that Lucy wouldn't ever think of" I spoke.

"H, you've only just got out of hospital because of them. Give yourself a break before you do anything so brass" Luna spoke.

"I'll be able to move and handle weapons within a couple of days. I'm not letting you all get hurt" I spoke, getting up slowly.

I slowly walked towards the bedroom and opened the door to let myself in. I looked over at Jane, who was moving awake and I slowly walked over to her. I slowly sat down on the familiar bedding before I put my hand in with Jane as she reached up for my finger. I smiled at her before I picked her up to cradle her on my chest. She looked around and gave out small squeaks before I rocked her.  

"I missed you so much. Did Halo look after you well?" I asked.

She gave out an ungodly sound and I relised what she did as Harrison came in to gag. I laided Jane down and got her cleaned up as Harrison, who was trying to mask the smell as it smelled like someone had died. I mean there could be at the end of the week or a load of court cases that would be going on. He walked over to smile at a a sleepy Jane, who was trying to look around the unknown bedroom. 

"Didn't think I would see the day. Hunter, a dad and a hit man"  Harrison smiled.

"I thought that I would be adopting or having someone carry a child. At least she's here and not with them" I spoke, starting to get a little angry at the end of the ending.

Harrison hugged me from the side and kissed my hairline,which calmed me down, before he picked Jane up. I smiled at them both.

"She seems to like you" I smiled.

"I got to see her while they took you and she felt comfortable with me" He spoke, watching her fall asleep in his arms.

I kissed his head, having to stand slightly on my tip toes to do so. He walked back into the living room, leaving me on my own. I looked around before walking towards the closet to pull out a baggier dark green jumper to pull over my head and minding all of my burns and not to catch my stitches. Walking towards the slightly open door, my mind started to wonder but it soon stopped as my hand touched the door handle and opened the door. Harrison had Jane sleeping on his chest, Luna arguing with Halo about something so random and that made me smile. I walked over, getting more stronger on my feet before sitting with Harrison and Jane. 

"What are the hardy twins arguing about?" I spoke.

Harrison laughed lightly and Halo looked over to give out a glare.

"Try me bitch" Halo spoke.

"I like it when you speak like that. Make's me all tingly" Luna spoke.

I looked at them, knowing the reference that they were doing, with a 'why would you say that in front of other people?'

"Please don't reference Supernatural" I spoke, shaking my head.

This might be the start of a great three days of rest ever.

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