The end

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Hunters pov

The journey back was more peaceful then before. Apart from bleeding out less then before. Harrison drove us towards the safety of the house and back to Jane. She didn't have to see her mother anymore. She won't remember any of this.

"I hope Jane was OK through this" I spoke, breaking the silence  that was thick in the air.

"Juliet was looking after her so we know that she's in good hands. Also, if someone was there, Juliet can throat kick them" Harrison spoke.

I smiled as Harrison turned into the road that was leading to the house. The trees bounced the rising sun light off the stumps which showed us the way. My phone started to buzz in my blood soaked suit pant. I reached in, wincing from the pain of the ripped stitches that Dean and Lucy caused, and opened the message.

"It's Luna. Her and Halo are going to be a little late coming back. Paperwork" I spoke.

"Figures. At least we can get cleaned up before they arrive back. Also, we might need to re stitch you in some places and see if the bullet is still in there" Harrison spoke.

"I feel like a walking voodoo doll at this point" I joked.

That made Harrison give out a light laugh from his reddish lips that was slightly dyed from blood.

"It would have been handy if god gave us something other then red blood and something that doesn't stain" I spoke.

"Like androids? That's still way off" Harrison smiled.

What felt like hours in the car, we arrived at the safe house. Harrison parked on the dusty gravel and got out while I slowly took my seat belt off. Harrison walked over and helped me get out of the car. I fell into him and he held me up for me to hold onto him.

"I've got you, H" Harrison spoke.

"Just don't let go" I spoke.

He lifted my gaze for me to face him.

"I will never let you go" He spoke.

He helped me inside as Juliet walked down the stairs with Jane. 

"What happened? Did it go according to plan?" Juliet spoke.

"We got them. We need to get cleaned up and fixed before we can explain" Harrison spoke.

I placed my head on Harrison's shoulder and closed my eyes for a brief second. He helped me up the stairs and towards our room, where it would be peaceful to do what was needed to be fixed. Harrison used his good leg to open the brown oak door to walk us in. He grabbed a black blanket to lay it on the bed and helped me sit down. He went into the bathroom and rushed back with a first aid kit. He laided me down and started to unbutton my shirt. He pulled it down, along with the suit jacket, and I let out a small, pained scream. 

"Sorry" Harrison quickly spoke.

He grabbed a face towel and examined the wound.

"It went straight through" Harrison spoke.

He placed the face towel on the wound which slowed the bleeding and he fixed it. I placed my good hand on his cheek and he smiled softly. He leaned down and kissed me gently. He pulled back and smiled. A knock at the door made us both jump slightly and the door slowly squeaked opened to reveal Juliet and Jane. 

"Someone really wanted to meet her dad" Juliet smiled.

She walked over and placed Jane on my good side before she left us alone. Harrison got the rest of my wounds cleaned up while Jane was watching. I kissed her head and Harrison soon got himself sorted. I slowly sat up and placed Jane on my chest, being careful of the stitches. Harrison laided down with us and placed his head on my good shoulder.

"You know that thing that you promised last night? About us getting married? Still want to?" Harrison spoke.

I looked at him.

"Of course but when we've healed. I'm not having the photos looked like we've just had a fist fight with each other" I smiled.

He though for a second.

"Touche" He smiled.

We kissed when Jane opened her eyes and watched us. She gave us a smile and that made us smile bright. 

We felt safe. 

We were safe.

Halo and Luna returned as Jane went down for a nap and I could move on my own. Harrison went to meet them as I struggled to walk down the stairs with a sleeping Jane.

"What's going to happen now?" Harrison asked, helping me down the last three steps.

"We'll they have been booked in, charged and we just need to wait for a court date which usually takes a week to two weeks, depending on the judge. But we have a lot of evidence against them so that part of court won't take long, neither will the sentencing" Halo spoke.

We were free from Lucy. Free from Dean. 

Me and Jane were reunited. Me and Harrison were back together and going to be married. But he was the one that got to her first and was able to look after her before I could get here.

Being a hit man amazes me sometimes.

Family of Mafiaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें