Ch. 28

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It's really snowy where I live sooo yea I took that piC. and guess what?? ITS TODOROKIs BIRTHDAY!!!❤️🤍❤️🤍
Ok but I have a s/o now and I've been a lot happier-ish. So hopefully the chapters aren't as depressing://

Izuku POV
I sat there in todorokis arms, my depressing thoughts slowly taking over me. When I heard some moaning (not like inappropriate moaning, like waking up diwjxjd). Todoroki blinked open his eyes and yawned. He looked at me and smiled. That's all it took, a look is all it took for him to smile... "good morning sunshine" he said in his smooth honey voice. I smiled and hugged him, "good morning sho". What was I thinking? He wouldn't leave me... right? Yea, he would never leave me, he loves me! He hugged me back and I pulled away. "I'm gonna go buy us some food!" I said happily. "Izu the nurses will bring it-". "Not that gross hospital stuff sho, I'm gonna go get us some REAL food," I giggled and hopped up. I realized I was still in my clothes from the other day, "I'm gonna run by the house and get us some clothes too,". Sho looked at me worried, "izu are you sure it's a good idea for you to walk alone?". "Hmmm, tru, I'll get a taxi!" I was determined. "Izu you don't have any money here.." sho seemed unconvinced. "Right.. well the house is only a mile away, I'll go the house, change clothes, grab you a change of clothes, our wallets and phones and stuff, and then I'll buy a taxi to go get food!!" I don't know why but I was really happy with myself.

"If you say so... please get to the house quickly though...I love you," sho smiled at me. Wow he really trusts me! "Of course! Love you too sho, I'll see you later!" And with that I left the room, I walked out the building and started speed walking to the house. (Idk if I mentioned but it's January in the book rn so it's cold and Izu is wearing shorts and a tshirt). I shivered, though it wasn't snowing yet is was only 20 degrees. Luckily the house was close. I got to the house and ran inside taking my shoes off. My mom was sleeping on the couch. Hmm, she probably hasn't eaten anything either. I remembered there was leftover food in the fridge from sho cooking so I wrote a quick note for mom.

'Hey mom, it's Izu. I ran by the house for clothes and stuff but you were asleep. I know you've probably been worried sick and haven't eaten so when you wake up go to the fridge. There's leftovers from sho cooking and his food is AMAZING!! You'll love it for sure. I'm getting food for me and sho and then going back to the hospital so I'll be there. I'm grabbing my phone too so you can text and call me if needed!
Love izuku❤️'

Perfect!! I put it on the coffee table in front of the couch and ran upstairs to change. Idk why but I wanted to dress to impress. So I decided to wear these cute jeans with bears on the knees, a white botton up short sleeved shirt, some yellow converse, and a cute bear cardigan over it since it's cold.
(Here's a pic)

Fun fact I actually just bought an outfit just like this:3

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Fun fact I actually just bought an outfit just like this:3

I grabbed my brown satchel bag (like in the photo) and put me and sho's wallets and phones in it. I grabbed shos bag from his dads which is full of clothes and other things. I grabbed some phone chargers and went back to the entry way of my house. I put the bags down and got out my phone and called a taxi. I then grabbed a yellow beanie, put it on and kissed my mother on the forehead. I grabbed all the bags and went out side to the taxi.

"Can you take me to McDonald's and then wait out side while I get some food and then take me to xxx xxxx hospital please." I said a bit quietly since I get sorta shy. "Sure kid, but just know that'll be 50 bucks, you got enough money for that?". (I know normally it would cost more but whateveR) I grabbed my satchel and checked my wallet, I had $150 in there since it had been Christmas recently and all might and some other nice people had given me money. I didn't want to spend that much on just a taxi tho tbh:/. Just when I was abt to say yes I got a call. "Um yea I have enough money but could you maybe be a little quiet for a few minutes I have a call?" I felt bad asking him to be quiet since he seemed like such a nice man. "Sure thing kid, I'll let you know when we're at McDonald's". And with that he started driving.

I checked my phone to see it was an unknown number, weird but whatever. I answered and it was sho apparently.
"Hey Izu, I don't have my cellphone so I'm using a nurses, she said she helped you with your head and she seems really nice"
I smiled, "she is sho, she's absolutely amazing,".
"Wow there, you're gonna make me jealous," I giggled and so did sho, " anyways the reason I called is to tell you to use my money for the cab, I know they're expensive and I'll feel bad."
"But sho I don't wannaaaa" I whined thru the phone.
"Here, real quick ask if he has a credit card taker" (idk the actual name of them lol).
"Ok," I put the phone down and knocked on the slidy door thing between the seats, "YeA kid?" He said in a gruff voice. "Um, do you have something that takes credit cards?" I asked a little nervous that he would get annoyed with my constant requests.
"Uh, Yea I think so, why? Is that how ur gonna pay?" He said seeming fine with the question.
"Um yea, if that's ok," I said with a smile.
"Course it is kid," he smiled and went back to driving.

I put the phone back to my ear ready to talk to sho again, "he said yea sho,".
"Ok then you can just use my dads credit card since he's a dick anyways." Sho sounded disgusted even mentioning his fathers name, though I can't blame him.
"Ok, Thankyou sho, I love you," I said thinking we were abt to hang up.
"Wow, aren't you eager to get off the phone, jeez" i know he meant it in a joking way but I still felt bad.
"Sorry, i didn't mean to- " before I could finish sho interrupted me.
"Izu I was joking, but I do wanna keep talking to you, the nurse lady had to leave and she won't be back for another 20 mins. I kinda wanna play a game tho." Sho sounded like he was up to no good but I complied anyways.
"Hmmm, ok, what do u wanna play?" I asked innocently. At the words play the driver closed the slidy door thing so he couldn't hear anymore. I was confused but shrugged my shoulders and waited for sho.
"Well basically I wanna see how long it'll take me to get you hard, I'm hoping it'll be before u get to wherever you're going." I could hear his smirk thru the phone. I blushed and thought abt it, McDonald's is abt 25 mins away from my house. It's been abt 5 mins I think so he would have 20 mins to do it... I gulped and responded, "idk if I wanna play that game sho..".
"Hmm, ok, well I'm gonna hang up then" though I didn't wanna play for some reason I didn't wanna hang up either and somehow he knew it. "Ok Ok I'll play...". I was scared and it showed.

-1343 words-

Lol, cliff hangers am I right. Well that was a pretty long chapter. Now to update my other storY sifjwjdj

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