Emo kid

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[Josh's POV]

Walking back to school after summer break is always so depressing. You have all this free time to do many fun things and stay up all night with friends, but then school gets in the way again, and you have to focus on your studies instead of anything else.

I enter the school building, also known as jail. "Hey josh!" My friend Mark approaches me. "Sup dude?" I reply back. "Hope were in the same class, I really don't want to be in a class full of jerks." Mark says and I look at him. "Well even if we aren't in the same class we can still hang out during breaks and lunch." I say and ruffle with his hair. "I know but it would be nice to have you in my class." Mark says with a sour look on his face. "I know Mark, we'll just have to wait and see." I say with a small smile on my face.

The bell rings and we head to the auditorium to be separated into smaller classes. The principal is giving one of those long talks that no one ever listens to. One of those dumb 'welcome to school' talks. I can't be bothered to listen to him.

The auditorium starts to become emptier as they show the new classrooms. I try to look for my name, but it hasn't been on the big screen yet.

"Next class. Your homeroom teacher will be, Mr. Harrison, and here are the people that will be in his class. Please join Mr. Harrison, at the entrance to the auditorium if you hear your name." The principal announces.

He starts saying different names, I can't be bothered to listen, I'm only waiting for my name to be called. "...Joshua Dun..." Finally. I've been waiting here for so long I was starting to get bored.

I walk to the entrance of the auditorium and wait there with these random kids, I can see girls whispering and looking at me. I swear to god if they're going to be teasing me about me being partly Asian, I'll literally explode.

"Alright class, lets head to our classroom then, shall we?" Mr. Harrison says and starts walking to the classroom. I look around to see if Mark is in my class, but he isn't. I figured, I hope he has a better class than me. Mine is filled with fuck-boys and lousy girls. Oh and this one looking emo wannabe kid.

We sit down at our desks and Mr. Harrison starts talking. I can't be bothered to listen, it's nothing important anyway, just something about being nice to each other.

The girl I sit next to, I think her name is Jennifer, is constantly looking at me, she's trying to be sneaky about it, but she isn't very good at it. I can hear the other girls giggling and it's honestly pissing me off.

"Girls, please settle down. I know you're excited about this new school year but please let me inform you about stuff." Mr. Harrison says. "The first week, all of your classes will be in this class, we're going to get to know each other and then, next week you will be following the schedule." Mr. Harrison informs us.

Mr. Harrison gives us some papers to fill out, those 'I have these allergies' etc. I start filling my paper out. "Tyler, Hey, wake up, you're at school." Mr. Harrison says with a soothing voice. I look at him, and see that he's trying to wake up that emo kid. I kinda feel bad for Mr. Harrison, he's being way too nice to that kid. He should just scream into his face and tell him to wake the fuck up.

I can hear Mr. Harrison explaining how to fill out the papers to that emo kid. The girls in class are laughing at the kid. "Girls, stop laughing, settle down and just fill out these papers." Mr. Harrison says. I do kinda feel bad for that kid.

The bell rings and first period is over. "Alright kids, when the bell rings come back into class, if you're lost just go to the reception desk and they'll help you out." Mr. Harrison says and opens the classroom door to let us out.

I walk out of class and spot Mark. I can see that he has already made some friends. "Hey josh come over here!" Mark says and I walk over to him. "Sup?" I say. "These are my friends from class. Brad and Brendon." He introduces them to me. "I'm Joshua, Josh for short." I say and look at them. "Nice to meet you Josh." Brendon and Brad say.

"Whats your class like?" Mark asks me. "Ugh so dumb, there are these lousy and annoying girls and these guys who understand nothing and then there's this one guy who is an emo wannabe and he sleeps in class." I reply. "Sounds though man." Mark says. "It sucks dude." I say. "You'll fins someone to be friends with. I know you will." Mark says. "Thanks." I say.

"Uhm... sorry to interrupt you Joshua..." I look to my right, that girl Jennifer is standing next to me. "It's josh." I say. "Oh uhm.. Josh then... c-could I have your number..?" She asks me blushing. "Sure whatever dude." I give my number to her and she walks away happily. "That chick was so into you dude!" Mark exclaims. "Not my type but I'll still be friendly to her." I say. "No chick seems to be your type." Mark says. "I guess I just haven't found the right one yet." I say. "Maybe he's gay?" Brad asks. "Me? Gay? Psh, no way." I say. "There's nothing wrong with that but I'm straight." I continue. "Brendon's pansexual." Mark says. "What's that? Is he attracted to pans or something?" I ask. "No. It means I don't look at gender. I look at the person. I don't care about the gender of the person, I look at the personality." Brendon says. "Oh cool." I say. I mean how am I supposed to respond to that?

The bell rings again and I walk back to class. The emo kid is asleep again, I wonder if he's alright? I poke his shoulder. "Hey, class started." I say. He doesn't react, so I poke him again. "Hey emo dude, class started." I say. I hear a quiet "okay" and so I go back to my seat.

The rest of the day is boring, nothing is happening and the kids in my class are annoying. "Alright guys, you can go home now." Mr. Harrison says. I put my stuff into my backpack and grab my skateboard.

I start to walk out of class. I can't help but notice that the emo kid hasn't moved. He's resting his head on the table and I look at him, wondering if I should approach him. I walk back to his table and poke him. "Hey.. schools over." I say. He gets up and grabs his bag. He doesn't even look at me. He just walks out of class.

I walk out of class as well and try to find him, but I can't see him in the crowds of people leaving school.

I skate back home and get inside. "How was school Joshy." My little brother Jordan asks. "It was boring." I reply and pick him up. My brother is 6 years old. "Can we play?" Jordan asks me. "Sorry Jordy, I'm tired, I'll take a nap, okay? We can play when I wake up. Is that alright?" I ask Jordan. Jordan nods and grins at me. "I love you joshy." Jordan says with his cute lil grin. "I love you too Jordan." I say and give him a kiss on the forehead before going into my room.

I throw my backpack on the floor and flop onto my bed. I shut my eyes and try to sleep, but that emo kid is crossing my mind. "Stupid brain... let me sleep.. I'm tired.." I mumble to myself and toss and turn in my bed. No matter what I do that kid keeps coming back into my mind.

I groan and sit up. What was his name..? Tyler... yeah tyler that's it! I open Instagram and go to the search bar. I type in 'Tyler' and the first thing that pops up is 'Tylerrjoseph'.

"Tyler Joseph... that sounds familiar.." I say to myself and click on the profile. He has quite a following, although his profile is mostly just black and gray photos. He isn't showing his face in any of them. That's disappointing. I decide to send him a DM.

Joshuadun: Hey it's josh, I think we're in the same class.

Maybe my brain will let me sleep now? That's all I can do for right now anyway. I put my phone away and shut my eyes. The boy is still crossing my mind, but in a better way. I starts to drift off to sleep and take that nice little nap.

Word count: 1518

Kiss him, not me | Joshler Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя