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Josh has been sleeping for two hours. I wonder if I should wake him up...? There's a knock on Josh's door and my heart stops beating for a second. I look at josh. The door opens. Fuck me.

"Jo- who are you?" A little boy asks me staring right into my eyes. "I'm tyler. Josh's friend." I reply quietly. "I'm jordan, Joshie's brother." Jordan says. "Nice to meet you jordan." I say with a soft smile. "What is joshie doing?" He asks me, before looking at his brother sleeping in the bed. "He's sleeping." I reply. "Why?" He asks me. "School made him feel tired and he fell asleep once we came here." I reply.

"Why are you still here?" Jordan asks me filled with curiosity. "Josh didn't want me to leave, and I promised to look after him." I say and look at josh who is sleeping on his stomach. "Are you the tyler, josh talks about?" Jordan asks me. "I don't think so..?" I say a bit confused. "He says there's an emo boy in his class and that everyone is after that Tyler." Jordan says. "I guess that is me then... but nobody is after me.." I say. "What is an emo mean?" Jordan looks at me. "Someone who is mostly dressed in black and is lonely most of the time." I explain trying to leave out the raw details.

"Okay, are you joshs boyfriend?" He asks me. "U-uhm.. no.. I'm just his friend.. why are you asking that..?" I say a bit taken back. "He always talks about you." Jordan says. "He does..?" I ask him. "Yuhuh, at dinner he always talks about you." Jordan grins. "O-okay.." I say shyly. "You have to meet mommy!" Jordan says and grabs my arm. "Later.. okay..? I need to stay with josh.." I say. "You're no fun." Jordan says and leaves upset.

I sigh and look at josh. I just want to lay right next to him, he looks so cold and lonely. I want to hug him tightly and be held by him.

"Josh.." I say in a soft voice. "Mmm..." he hums. "It's been two hours... your mom is home.." I keep talking in a soft voice. "Hm..?" He hums in a more question type of way. "Come on josh." I keep talking in a soft voice and I start rubbing his back.

After a while of trying to wake him up he finally sits up and rubs his eyes. His hair is a complete mess and he looks sleepy. It's adorable. "Morning" I say with a light chuckle. "Morning.. how long did I sleep for..?" He asks stretching his arms and yawning. "Two hours." I reply. "Two hours..? Why didn't you wake me up earlier, gosh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to sleep for so long.." Josh says in an apologizing manner.

"Well I didn't want to wake you up, besides you seemed really tired and I'm fine with anything as long as I don't have to be home." I reply with a small smile. "Is it that bad at home?" Josh asks worriedly. "I just really hate my dad because once mom and dad got divorced and he found out I wanted to move with dad he faked a text conversation and that's how he got full custody of me. It's terrible. All this happened during the summer.." I say. "I didn't know.." Josh says and hugs me. "You can stay here as long as you want to." Josh says. "Are you sure..?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm positive." He replies. "Thank you.." I hug him back, his arms feel nice when they are wrapped around me...

We stay like that for a few minutes. It is the best feeling in the world, being hugged by josh. It's amazing. We hug until my stomach grumbles. "Hungry?" Josh asks and chuckles softly. I nod a bit. "Yeah.." I say embarrassed. "Let's go get something to eat, I'm starving too." He says and gets up. I get up as well and we go to the kitchen.

"Oh who's this?" I'm gonna assume that would be Josh's mom. "He's tyler, Tyler this is my mom." Josh introduces us. "Nice to meet you tyler." She says smiling softly. "Nice to meet you too ma'am." I reply and give a small shy smile. "We are hungry, do we have any food?" Josh asks his mom. "Yeah there's some leftovers, just pop them into the microwave.

Josh nods and does so. "Thank you so much for everything." I say in a grateful manner. "Anytime ty." Josh says and smiles. I blush slightly, he called me Ty, I don't let anybody call me that but when josh says it, it sounds so nice.

We sit at the table and start eating the leftovers, Josh is humming softly, it sounds like Sleeping with sirens. "Is that sleeping with sirens..?" I ask josh. "You know them?!" Josh asks excitedly. "Yeah, I listen to them from time to time." I say and smile softly. "Awesome! Yeah it was heroine. I really love that song." Josh replies happily. "Me too!" I say smiling widely.

After we finish eating we go back to Josh's room. "At first I thought the singer was a girl." I chuckle. "Me too, but once I found out it's a guy I fell more in love with his voice." Josh says while he's digging through a box. "What are you looking for?" I ask him. "Hmm... hold on... ah! Found it!" Josh says and pulls out a box.

He sits next to me and opens the small box, it's confetti, and a drumstick. "It was the first concert of theirs that I went to and I just so happened to get the drumstick and then I stayed there and grabbed some confetti." Josh explains. "That's so cool!" I say. "Which concert was it?" I ask him. "The Columbus Ohio one, two years ago." He says. "No way dude! I was there too and I got the other drumstick!" I say excitedly. "Really?!" Josh asks. "Yeah!" I say grinning. "Holy crap! That's so cool!" Josh exclaims. "What a small world we live in." I say and chuckle. "It's destiny." Josh says and chuckles a bit. "I guess so." I say as I smile.

Word count: 1055

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