White lies

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Next day

I wake up and look over seeing tyler still sleeping. I kiss his forehead and hug him close. His body is radiating heat which is odd, usually his body is cold.

His cheeks are red and so are the earlobes. I look at him with slight concern in my eyes. Is he sick..?

~Tylers PoV~

I wake up, my eyelids feel heavy, I feel cold, my eyes are burning and my ears are ringing. I look over at josh, blinking slowly. My throat is so sore. "Everything okay ty..?" Josh speaks quietly. I shake my head slowly, my head is throbbing.

Josh looks at me with a frown and I point to my throat. "Do you have a sore throat..?" He asks me, keeping his voice down. I nod and he places his forearm on my forehead.

I shut my eyes while he does that, he kisses my cheek "I'll go get you some medicine.." he whispers and gets out of bed.

I feel so cold without him there, I need his hugs and cuddles...

Josh comes back after a while and he sits next to me on the bed. "Tyler.. I have the medicine.." he speaks quietly. I nod and open my eyes. Josh looks at me worriedly and pulls me onto his lap, making sure that the covers are wrapped around me.

I look up at josh and he kisses the back of my neck softly. "Let me do this for you." He speaks quietly and I nod.

He puts a Tylenol pill into my mouth and brings the mouth of the water bottle to my lips, gently tilting the bottle. I take a few gulps to get the pill down. "Good job Ty..." Josh whispers. His hands are so soft and gentle... and I'm so cold...

~Josh's POV~

Tyler is shaking, he must be so cold. "I'll get you more blankets..." I say quietly. I know his ears must be ringing due to his fever. Tyler nods slightly and I wrap the covers around him tightly before getting up and going to get some more blankets.

I come back to my room seeing tyler on the bed curled up. I put the blankets I brought  over him and lay next to him, cuddling his little body. "S-so c-cold..." Tyler mumbles while shivering. "I know ty... I'm trying to keep you warm..." I say quietly while hugging him even closer. He curls up into the smallest little thing I've ever seen. Gosh I'm so in love with him.

I wrap the blankets around us tighter and hold tyler closer, I can feel him shiver as his breathing slows down, indicating that he's about to fall asleep, I rub his arm with my thumb as the shivering finally stops, he's finally asleep.

I shut my eyes and keep holding him close, I can feel my eyelids starting to get heavy again. I start drifting back to sleep and before I know it I'm asleep.

Few hours later

~Tyler's PoV~

I wake up a few hours later, not feeling as cold anymore, I turn around to see josh asleep, should I kiss him..? Or will I just cause him to get sick too..?

I compromise and kiss his cheek carefully, whispering, "thank you for taking care of me joshy..." a smile creeps into Josh's face and he opens his eyes, looking at me sleepily.

"I didn't know you were awake..." I whisper. "I woke up to your soft little kiss.." Josh whispers back smiling. "Oh... sorry.. I didn't mean to wake you..." I whisper. "I know ty, but that was the best thing that woke me up since forever..." Josh smiles and kisses the back of my neck.

I blush to myself. "How are you feeling ty?" Josh asks. "Better.. thanks to you..." I mumble quietly and bury my face into Josh's chest. I've never met anyone so soft and gentle as josh... gosh I'm so in love with him...

"Are you okay..?" Josh asks "h-huh..?" I snap back into reality. Josh is blushing "you've been staring at me for a while now... and you didn't respond the first few times I called your name..." Josh looks at me worriedly. "O-oh u-uhm... I-I was j-just adoring y-you..." I say, I can feel my face heat up. Great job tyler! You're such a creep!

Josh blushes and smiles. "Really?" He asks me. I nod shyly "yeah.." I whisper, the blush on my face growing more. Josh blushes more. "Sorry... I-I know I-I'm a c-creep..." I say fiddling my hand.

"Well I guess were both creeps in that case." josh says and chuckles. "I adore you while you're asleep." He continues. I can't help but blush.

I lay there, in Josh's arms. We have been quiet for a while. "Josh..?" I mumble. "Yeah..?" Josh asks and looks down at me. "I-I love you..." I whisper.

~Josh's POV~

That rush is back, the deadly drug. I need it. I want it. I want all of it. "I love you too ty" I whisper and kiss his temple, smiling at the same time. "once you feel better will you let me take you out on a date?" I ask him. Tyler nods blushing and tracing circles onto my chest with his finger.

A while later

Tyler fell asleep in my arms, I'm holding him and rubbing his back. My door swings open "Jo- what's this?!" My dad says in a strict tone. "Shh... he was sad... he finally fell asleep... that's all... I promise.." I lie, I know my dad is going to kick me out if he finds out about us. "Oh... sorry.. I came to ask if you had any dirty laundry.." he says ashamed. "I do.. in my basket.." I speak quietly. I pray to god tyler won't mumble anything in his sleep.

My dad grabs the laundry basket and leaves my room, I sigh in relief and shut my eyes, pulling the covers over our heads and kissing Tyler's forehead.

To be continued....
words: 1019

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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